Fester's Quest compatibility problem? (With Yobo 72-60pin)

Started by Emphy, September 23, 2010, 08:57:42 pm

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I recently picked up Fester Quest (NTSC) and it doesn't seem to work with my 72-60pin converter on my Sharp Twin Famicom (AN-500B)
I have two other carts from the US, Castlevania and TMNT, both seem to work just fine.
So I'm wondering if this is a known problem using Fester's Quest with the yobo converter, or is my cart broken?

And another question: Would PAL A\B games work with a converter on my Sharp Twin, or is there some kind of lockout chip in it?
I know there's one in PAL consoles hindering NTSC games from being played, but since it's a famicom I figured they'd think the difference in pins would be enough, maybe, that's why I'm asking.
I usually only buy from japan, but since I live in PAL territories, I probably should know this.

I'm sorry if any of these questions are answered on here already, but I couldn't find anything when searching.


None of the Japanese systems have any sort of lock out.  If you can physically fit the cart in the console (with a converter of course), it'll play.  As for your Fester's Quest problem, it must be your converter or the cartridge.  I can't say specifically for a Sharp Twin Famicom, but my NTSC copy of FQ works fine on my original Famicom with a Family Converter.
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Yeah, that's what I figured.
Hopefully someone else here has FQ and a Yobo Converter, so I can figure out what's at fault.


Hmm, never thought to try it since the game is quite frustrating and I don't play it often, but yeah, I can't seem to get it working through a yobo either.


Ah, good to hear, then there's probably nothing wrong with my cart. :)