Was John W. Booth --- John St. Helen ?

Started by Mindfreak, December 23, 2010, 09:29:19 pm

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December 23, 2010, 09:29:19 pm Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 09:40:58 pm by Mindfreak
I've been thinking about this for awhile...

I always wondered if John Wilkes Booth actually died 14 days after the end of the Civil War....

Ask any historian and they will say "Yeah he died, move on" :P

But I never really believed them, mostly because of the lack of documentation...

And well, there is this story that Booth escaped and was never caught, it's said that he moved to West Texas under the name John St. Helen and later David E. George...

There, its said he fell in love and married a woman, her not knowing he was Booth...he soon told her who he was and she wanted to take his real name and they were remarried.

He fell ill and believe himself to be dying and told he's sitting doctor,  "My name," he said, "is not John St. Helen. I am John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of the president"

He later recovered and just vanished.

He later changed his name to David George and lived in out his days.

On his death bed, David George told his doctor he was in fact John W. Booth...and the doctor was the same doctor that saw him years earlier and knew him as St. Helen...

I dont know if John Booth died that night in 1865 or if he lived...

What do you think ? Do you think it's possible ?

Jedi Master Baiter

I thought John Wilkes Booth died in a burning barn, while being  pursued for assassinating Lincoln.


December 24, 2010, 08:34:21 am #2 Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 09:03:49 am by Mindfreak
I did too but the man they killed had red hair and Booth had jet black hair...

And no one id'ed him as Booth but as a man named Boyd...

The theory goes that Booth had a stand-in at the barn fire...

Idk just a thought

Jedi Master Baiter

How could they confuse him? ???

He was pulled out, & said something along the lines of "I died for my country" before he died.
