4$ Broken famiclone board

Started by tonev, February 10, 2011, 05:51:34 am

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Yep some stupid idiot used larger adapter for this famiclone.
You can see the burned out blue resistor... it just needs replacement and it is good to go :)
As you can see this board is not like other famiclones
Here is a comparison between this board and a  normal famiclone board
I am back everyone :)


February 10, 2011, 06:53:44 am #1 Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 08:12:47 am by ericj
FWIW, that's a capacitor, not a resistor.  ;)  I would bet that someone used an ac adapter with reverse polarity. You'll probably also want to check out/replace the voltage regulator.


Well I am selling the board if you need it :) you can use it for parts or fix it and use it :)
I am back everyone :)


What about the case that the board went with?


You want to buy the case? It is not at great condition but if you want it :)
( I mean it does not have the slot protector and the cartridge catapult (damn i don't know what is the name for it :D  but yes the cartridges jump :D)
I am back everyone :)



I am back everyone :)



I am back everyone :)


February 10, 2011, 03:24:05 pm #9 Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 03:48:54 pm by The Uninvited Gremlin
First off, would a original Famicom fit into it? I have a severely busted famicom but it would be wicked to see it in a Famiclone case.

Also if so, $10 shipped?


February 11, 2011, 03:05:23 am #10 Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 05:30:27 am by tonev
It wont fit simply because of the controllers and other stuff
I am back everyone :)


You can unplug the controllers from a Famicom.  Once you take off the outer casing, the plugs you plug them in to are right there if I remember correctly.
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