Why is the Auction Forum invisible to guests?

Started by petik1, March 15, 2011, 01:40:46 pm

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Why? If it's for the reason I think it's for, wouldn't making the Buy/Sell Forum invisible the better choice?


That's how things were set up when I joined the staff.  Maybe JC or Doc would know.

Jedi Master Baiter

We didn't want people joining the forums just to post their eBay auctions.

Buy/Sell/Trade is acceptable because some people might come here looking to buy stuff they would otherwise not see if the forum was locked from public view.


Ok, because over at atariage, the buy/sell forum is invisible to guests because they fear some people will join just to scam others.


Jedi's right. Also, we kept the Buy/Sell/Trade visible because there are times when a guest is looking for a place to sell some good Famicom stuff and we want them to know they can do it here. I used to get great deals from new members just looking to get rid of some Famicom stuff they had and didn't know what to do with. I bought 300 pirate disks for a buck each from a first time poster a couple of years ago, for example.