72 Pin to 60 pin converters?

Started by RetroGamerTMD, November 26, 2011, 12:02:19 am

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After buying this Famicom AV and realizing that the two NES systems that I had refurbished might be on their way out of commission (they were in terrible condition when I had bought them and currently won't always read games), I'd like to find a way to play my NES games on my AV Famicom.

The problem here is that I've heard that there's not a lot of these that will actually work, and that most of them will cause games to crash.

Is there any converters in the 10-30$ price range that will work with the AV Famicom?


The Family Converter, it works perfect only draw back is it's shell-less. (Just a bare circuit board with pin connector.)