Newly discovered pirate? + Windows XP

Started by uglyworm12, April 04, 2011, 03:59:05 pm

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I have a rom given by a friend - I'll just leave it at that (privacy and such) - of a what I believe is a newly discovered pirate, with a blue Mario inside Megaman 2, with some evidence of Megaman left. I only have a rom, no cart pictures. The rom is named Mario Man 2, but I think he might have just done that so I don't think it's just any ol' rom, considering the title screen is still Megaman 2, and it's usually Mari instead of Mario.

Also, I've heard rumors of Windows XP for NES, I know I've seen Windows 98, 95, and 2000, so I think this might be real. I've been looking around for so long but to no avail, does anyone have a picture or can they tell me if a rom exists somewhere?


If it's a digital rom, it could just be a hack, right?
My for Sale / Trade thread


Right.  Was this dumped from a cartridge or did you just find it online?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


I'd be interested in seeing that rom. Can ya email it to me? Thanks.


As far as I know, this is dumped from a cartridge. Of course, he did send it the day before April 1st... I don't know. But he IS on vacation in China. Even so, I'm waiting for cart pictures, and then the truth shall flow forth.

P.S. So, nothing on the NES Windows XP bootleg?


Hm there's nothing really special about this. Some hacker just replaced the main sprites of Megaman with two color black/blue small SMB1 Mario sprites, and didn't even replace all sprites for ladders and such. I'm kinda bummed this isn't greater than your run of the mill sprite hack.