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MSX Games

Started by dukbrand, June 06, 2011, 04:27:05 pm

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Why are the MSX games on ebay so expensive?.


Instead of making a big deep Vaginal monaloge, let me just say, what people already know in their hearts.

Why not? Comic books age with value. why not videogames?

I think made this thread on another webpage. It was about, why do people pay for online, downloadable games? That is practically downloading a rom with no packaging at all, but you pay money for it like, it was a glass of lemonade squeezed by a little girl, or her busting bigger sister. Like the Wii for example. If I remember their is two J-rpg (AAR (Action Adventure RPG ) ) games that was released for the X-box. Both has packagings in Japan, but in the western areas including China, they all have to be downloaded. If I was that person I would feel pretty stiff.

Also you get all of those original effects with the original release. Like Ocarina of time, you can use a gameshark, and access the Arwing that you can blow up. Or pull out the game cart, and watch Link and Epona, fly off into the horizin.
Pull out the cart, Thanks to
boobtube, you everybody is showing off, all these effects like no tommorow, so people feel
like, hey I sawed the effect, I can play the NDS game. NO, NO, and NOOOOO
OOOOOO WAY you will ever see any of that stuff in a port or downloadable exprience.

Also the many random appearances of suitless, and altered suitless Samuses on the NES.  The glitches in the original Super Mario Brothers from a dirty game, and even random appearances of high level enemies in low level world of Dragon Quest.

The PCE is the same thing, You can download a CD file, burn it and hope it plays or just buy the god damn game for 200+ dollars and be done with it. Yeah wow I just spent 200+ dollars for a floppy disk game, oh my gosh, I am such a Butters. Seriously, the original hardware with glitches like no music play, or random event.

Too many people are usted to seeing the Sega Saturn, and PSX cleanliness.
When you let a game disc out, it quickly says put it back in. After that it was the end of the Glitches, in consideration of the SNES.

The Famicom and the N64 is king of glitches. Glitches, mistakes, and more that you will never see again. I bet Ocarina of Time NDS has the super
sheild that was edited in after 2001 :question:. Instead of the cool umber Arabian Knights Oriental Sheild. :question:


Um... OK...

To answer the OP:
My guess is that MSX games are just much rarer than let's say Famicom games, because they weren't produced in very big quantities. That drives up the price.


June 07, 2011, 11:12:34 pm #3 Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 10:33:52 am by RegalSin
The (SONY ) MSX practically had every single media device plugged into it, at one point in it's lifetime. It protected the idea of products being media no differnt then a VHS tape or NES cartridge.