WTB Genesis/Megadrive pirates

Started by MaxXimus, June 03, 2011, 08:25:01 am

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As the title implies, I'm looking for pirates for the Genesis/Megadrive. Things like multi carts and ports of other games like Super Mario and the like.

I have not posted in a while, but I have feedback on here and on ebay. Username lorrainewiebe.

Post here or PM with what you have. Pictures would be nice too.

PS: This would be shipping to Canada, so keep that in mind.



Do you want the game super mario bros for megadrive?
You probably know it it is a game that is sort of like chip & dale but with changed graphics and stuff :)
I am back everyone :)


June 04, 2011, 07:22:08 pm #3 Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 07:57:17 pm by ericj
I have a Russian Donkey Kong MD pirate if you're interested.
