Golden 260-in-1 mutlticart

Started by Funebrae, June 26, 2011, 10:08:33 am

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Hi people!

I recently bought the very cool GOLDEN 260-IN-1 cart (the grey cart with the Air Fortress pic on the label)... inside the cart, it has a converter to play on regular north American NES... Unfortunately, I can't make it play right. My NES system (not a top-loader) has a new 72 pin connector & I've even disabled the lockout chip inside. I have cleaned (3452345 times) the mutlitcarts pins on both 62 & 72 connectors & still won't work... or should I say, it won't work perfectly... To make it more frustrating, the soundtrack "loads" perfectly, the games runs & it is stable as hell (when I move the connectors from right to left /left to right) it simply won't crash but the graphics are all messed up... Also, to add details, I've changed the capacitor (102) on the cart with another one...  On top of that, the chip on the right overheats...  ??? Can someone help??


Just sounds like a faulty construct, pirate company's often go without testing their games which about 1/8th of all pirates are either bad programs or faulty and doomed to fail soon.


Some NES can't read special multicarts because their MMC were made on Famiclone. Maybe try to remove the cart of the converter and play it in a Famicom?


Do you have a picture of the cart pcb?
Close your eyes. Open your mind.


Thanks for the advice, guys! I wonder if a NES game could actually die?!?!   :help:


What is the writing on the chip that overheats?
These multicarts usualy have that dreadful PAL IC that is virtually unreplaceable and sometimes just die. You can't do anything to repair it after that.. ( )


Do you happen to have the multicart from my childhood?! please read this thread!

if its the same one I've mentioned here, please consider selling me it, even if yours doesn't work on your toaster. That's my holy grail because of the memories!