Hacked/modified games

Started by madman, November 19, 2006, 04:37:32 pm

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Is there any interest in people obtaining dumps of HK hacked games?  I've got a few different FDS disks here that have at least 3 different SMB variations. 



I was more just juding if anyone would be interested in me sending them a ROM dump, or if nobody cares about 20 year old hacks of games  :)  I'm not really in tune to whether or not there's people who are into this kind of stuff. 


Are they really hacks from 1986? I thought Famicom hacking was a thing of the 90s.


A good point, but the game itself is from the 80s.  I've also found a SMB2 disk that has like 30 stars on the title screen.  I'll go through these and post some screen caps hopefully later today. 


I like hacks, but as to your original question, only owning the real thing, not a repro or a ROM. It'll be cool to see some shots. :)


I'm not sure what would be considered the "real thing" since they are pirate HK releases :) 


The real thing is the game on a pirated cart. Like I said, not a repro or a ROM. :)


I'd like to start gathering a list of hacked games, if anyone know of any. Just the name of the hack and what's different about it. I'll post some of the one's I know about soon.


I think it would be cool see some screenshots from those HK games.

Famicom lover