FDS Pirate Games

Started by Onitsu64, November 09, 2011, 07:47:45 am

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I'm not able to play any pirate games. I get error 22 or 27. All my original games work great. To start off I had to replace the belt and had to align it. I messed with the motor speed to get the Originals to work. Im running out of option on how to fix it. I have around 40 pirate disk and none work. Thanks


Do you know of any good tutorials. I hear multiple people giving different steps. Thanks.

Parodius Duh

try a forum search, somebody posted a topic with the perfect instructions but I cant find it.


There are posts with a variety of instructions. None are perfect, but some are closer than others. You do not ant to adjust the head position as some guides suggest: This can help if your alignment is off in other ways, but will cause many games to fail. The head is fixed at the factory and not meant to be aligned, and all drives that I have received, where the user has changed the head alignment, took more than twice as long to correctly align.

If you are going to do it yourself, it will require experimentation. If you decide you want to have this repaired professionally, note that I do offer this service. That is why I haven't posted an in-depth How-To guide on it, or published my findings on all the FDS drive differences. I reverse-engineered the mechanical design and the alignment process over the course of restoring hundreds of drives, which took a deal of time, as you might imagine.  :bomb:
