Help- WTB Rockman & Crystal

Started by Uberlatios, May 07, 2014, 10:29:45 pm

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I'm looking for the Taiwanese game Rockman & Crystal by Vast Fame. If anyone has a copy and is willing to sell it, or even if you can hook me up with a place I could get a copy, I would be rather grateful. The game also goes by the names "Battle Network Rockman Crystal" and "Zook Man ZX4", and is the third and supposedly final entry in the Zook Hero series. Thanks!


This game seems to be incredibly hard to find.  I have been searching for this one up and down Taiwan, and I cannot find it for the life of me.  My girlfriend is from the town where Vast Fame was situated, and even stopping by that small area didn't help turn up a copy.  If someone manages to find copies of this game, I'd take one too please  8)
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Also, the Rockman S LCD game by Sineca is of interest.


Quote from: Uberlatios on May 18, 2014, 02:45:35 pm
Also, the Rockman S LCD game by Sineca is of interest.

I *might* be able to help you out there, but it is a shot in the dark bud.  About a year and a half ago I knew of a store that had one of those, but after buying a few more and it taking months and months to get rid of, I passed that last one up.  I might be headed back up that way in the next week or so, and (if) I can find the shop again, can stop in and see if they have it.  I need to head to work now, but we talk discuss this in PM. 
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That would be great. I already sent a PM, so if you manage to find a copy of Rockman S, I'll happily discuss a price with you.  :)


Still looking if anyone finds either of these games  :)


Hello, i just got a cartridge of this game. I want to resell it but can't find any information about a possible price.


Hey, it's been a while since I've been on here haha. Sent a PM.


Figured I'd bump this. It's been over a year and you gotta look for something during the quarantine!