Famicom/clone Keyboard Questions! (Web Browsing & Word processor)

Started by treismac, March 17, 2012, 10:42:47 am

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(The following photo is from 133MHz.  I did not directly link to it because my malware detector on my PC doesn't like the hosting site of the picture.  Instead, I screen captured the picture from a sandboxed browser and hosted it myself.)

A few questions:

1) Is the above photo taken from an official Nintendo (word processing?) program that is being ran through a Famiclone or is it pirate software?  What is it called?

2) The above photo is obviously just a screenshot, but is there any way to browse the internet on a famiclone or an actual Famicom?

3) Is there a PC program that emulates this Famicom word processor?

4) Does a mod or adapter exist that allows a Famicom keyboard to hook up to a PC?

Thanks!   :D


It comes from the family basic  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrr1MUAx4sw run on a custom famiclone

2. It should be possible if someone worked to install a linux system on it. http://hitmen.c02.at/html/tools_contiki.html
There is no network hardware for the NES, but there is for the famicom (such as the famicom modem). So it could be possible.

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