FDSloadr trouble

Started by kiwidaveinjapan, March 23, 2012, 08:39:59 pm

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Hi there, FDS noob just starting to use FDSLoadr.

I seem to be having some issues. For some reason I can't get the files I am trying to play to switch 'sides'. I have tried pressing 1, 2 etc to get FDSLoadr to change sides, but it simply won't do it. Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks!


*waits for ericj to come flying in like a bat out of hell*


Did you hit the space bar after hitting 2?


Yup, I loaded up the first side no problem. When the game asked me for side B, I hit 2, then space. I keep getting error 7.  :(


March 24, 2012, 12:21:16 am #4 Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 06:03:33 pm by ericj
Then reload the rom in fdsloadr when it's time to insert side B and try it.


Tried that, still no good. Could it be my computer? I restarted into DOS from WIN98 SE.


Any chance you can make a quick vid of what you're doing? It should be easy to figure out from that. Have you tried other fds images?

Also, make sure you're disconnecting the fdsloadr cable after a side is loaded and reconnecting it when the Famicom prompts you to. I don't think it will work if you leave it connected to the ram adapter the entire time.


March 29, 2012, 05:46:41 pm #7 Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 11:55:24 pm by kiwidaveinjapan
Will be making a video in the next couple of days. I've been super busy lately. Apologies for the delay.

Post Merge: March 31, 2012, 11:55:24 pm

alright! Got a video uploaded of what I am doing! Can anyone work out what's going on? Thanks!

link: http://youtu.be/G6hyGbK0Uu8

Thanks in advance!


OK. I worked it out. When I was adding a header file to the FDS images, I was only listing it as having ONE side. ugh. Sorry about this. I knew it'd be something simple.


Glad you figured it out. I didn't see your video until just now, but can see that Zelda only shows Side A in fdsloader.  :diskkun: