WTB: FDS Dubbing Boy

Started by Phosphora, April 24, 2012, 02:17:20 am

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A few members here own this item, I would love it in my collection.
If you're willing to sell, please do send me a PM.


I believe I'm the only person who owns one of these on the forum and I've never seen another one for sale. Sorry, but I don't want to part with it.


To begin with- what is this thing used for??


It's an old school hacking device for copying FDS games, which is the extent of my knowledge. I'm genuinely curious to know how the whole procedure works.


April 24, 2012, 09:40:26 am #4 Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 11:02:40 am by ericj
I have a short write-up about how it works on my site, here: http://www.famicomdisksystem.com/disk-copy/


Thanks, learned something new. :D


So because each generation of copies become worse and worse, this device duplicates data in some kind of analog kind of way, rather than digital? <shrugs> Seems kind of strange.


April 24, 2012, 01:58:01 pm #7 Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 02:04:25 pm by ericj
It records the disk just like a cassette tape is copied--one plays it while the other records/writes it. This is why the drives have to be synced (and the drive speeds have to match exactly), so they start & stop at the same time. It's very time-consuming (okay, almost impossible) to get it to work correctly and end up with a playable disk.

I was able to successfully copy SMB and a write protected disk on it a few times.


Quote from: ericj on April 24, 2012, 01:58:01 pm
It records the disk just like a cassette tape is copied--one plays it while the other records/writes it. This is why the drives have to be synced (and the drive speeds have to match exactly), so they start & stop at the same time. It's very time-consuming (okay, almost impossible) to get it to work correctly and end up with a playable disk.

I was able to successfully copy SMB and a write protected disk on it a few times.

Everything you just said is....rad. :D
I know it's just a toy since nobody wants analog copies, but what a cool thing to show off in person!
I'd want to make copies of each subsequent copy until we could find out how much degradation it can handle.  :crazy: