People get way too serious with video games online

Started by FamicomRetroGamer, April 12, 2012, 02:08:57 pm

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So, I'm a team killer (TPS/FPS), wreck other peoples' cars (GRID) and then for my enjoyment I listen to them getting pissed off or saying "I'm so gonna wreck this dude 'cos he's wrecked me for more than 20 times already!" / "you fuckin fagget die already!" etc.

By the way, this is on Xbox LIVE, on PlayStation 3's Online I don't have much luck to hearing people raging at all. x_x

Question for you: Do you get annoyed if someone ruins your online experience?

I do hate it when the troll (me) gets trolled, lol. ^^"


Ah, my favorite aspect of online play. Among all the Godawful Ryu/Ken players I have to deal with on Super Street Fighter 4, my favorite variety are the ones who ragequit. Nothing is funnier to me, than seeing "Lost connection to opponent" just as I'm finishing a match. Because then I know, they were so demoralized by me destroying them, that they think, "Oh shit, someone with skill! UNPLUG THE INTERNETS. NOW" And often times these people will send me messages afterwards, claiming me to be a cheater or whatever. My favorite message I've gotten from a ragequitter is this:

"na fuk u i really dont suc jus tht ballrogs afuckstain"

Clearly an intelligent human being.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


don't play those games!!  ::)
games should be about fun
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


What the hell are kids doing playing Red Dead Redemption or Modern Warfare? It's still fun to team kill them for the rages. :P


I smash dump trucks into people on APB just to watch the rage erupt.  I don't get it when people rage, and I'm in one of the most drama cesspools a person can be in.  Second Life military combat.

SO many people get SO butt hurt, that they resort to bans and just over all cheapness.  In SL, anything is possible, even a pistol that shoots nukes and rainbows. .  I know, I've been hit with enough.
I don't know how to fox. D:


I've always hated and will always hate online gaming.  I also really dislike playing games in the arcade against hardcore nerds who take the games way too seriously.  To me multiplayer should be about just having fun with friends.  It's fun to be serious....but not TOO serious.


Speaking of which, tonight I got this well thought out piece of advice from an opponent I beat on Street Fighter:

Oh you.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Haha, just a few mins ago a guy got pissed off because someone wrecked his car and then I tried to calm him down, didn't work so I insulted as the others did too.

Funny moment, though, he got kicked after 2 matches. :P


Some of my favorite trolling adventures were

"crazyknifeguy" in counterstrike.  10 years ago I would play CS under this name on the school server.  Nobody complained about camping since I only used grenades, flashbang, and knife and try to blind or jump people from behind.  I would generally act like a madman otherwise, every once in awhile I had to slice  a teammate or scrape some walls or something.  I guess I bought guns for teammates with all my money, I don't remember too well though.  Pretty often people would want to knife fight with me : ) .  

"harassmentnecro" in diablo 2.  In 1.09 there wasn't the dimishing returns on revives and sleleton armies, so you could load the screen with your army.  Add spamming bone wall and prison and you have one hell of an annoying character.  Most d2 people were easy to get riled up and confused too, talking with them, I wasn't really malicious about it or anything though.
Bah weep gragnah weep nini bong!


Most online mes I've played have "camper" possiblities, and people complain about the campers - but why did they make the game that way?
Whenever I tried an online game, I would just die until I found some way not to die, then people would start making those nasty comments.. and I stopped playing.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").