An Odd Request.....

Started by Parodius Duh, April 11, 2012, 11:14:15 pm

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Parodius Duh

This is not famicom related, or even videogame related for that matter. Heres the run down. Aside from gaming I am a huge television and film fan, like HUGE. I have thousands of animated programs, television series, films, and just general weird stuff thats been on TV. I have at least 1 program from every country on the planet that is not in the dark ages still.  Recently, I have been trying to collect original, complete TV broadcasts with the commercials intact. Basically Ive been trying to gather solid blocks of programming. So far I have gathered a ton of stuff from the US dating back to 1969, I have 1 program from Turkey from 1990 with the commercials intact, and 2 programs from Japan with the commercials intact. Most people wouldnt care about this but when you think about it, its really the only way to travel back in time. I recently watched an airing of "The Grinch stole Christmas" from 1989 that my parents had taped, and it literally brought me back to that night I watched it back in '89.

Now heres my somewhat odd request.

Im asking the members of Famicom World to help me out in obtaining Foreign (NON-US) complete broadcasts. By complete broadcast it could even be a single episode of something, An entire recording of saturday morning cartoons, A film aired on cable tv, just about anything as long as the commercials are intact!
We have active members here from ALL OVER, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Poland, Ireland, Canada, China, Taiwan, Germany, France, etc., etc. My question for all of you, perhaps you have some old television recordings from back in the day sitting around your home? Id be willing to purchase DVD-R copies of whatever you may have, dating back to whenever. If you do not have anything like that, would anyone be willing to sit down and record an hour or two of television (preferably comedy shows, horror, or animation) for me? I can accept NTSC and PAL region stuff, but if its PAL region it has to be DVD-R and cant be recorded VHS. NTSC areas I can take DVD-R and VHS recordings.

Alright, now I hope you guys dont think Im absolutely nuts here, but yeah....This is my other hobby and Im hoping some of you can help!  ;D


Sounds very interesting!

My wife has some VHS tapes with anime and music programs from the 80s and early 90s. I've been meaning to digitize them, but I'd need a new computer first...


Should be possible, I'll ask around.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").

Parodius Duh

Very cool guys! please let me know!

Manuel- I would LOVE to get copies of this stuff your wife has, especially any old Anime. If you are up for it, I have a direct VHS to DVD copier, Since Japan is NTSC I can copy these tapes direct to DVD without any worries, computer capture devices tend to not come out as nice and sometimes there can be bad digital artifacting. If you (and your wife) were up to it, you could send me the original VHS and Ill transfer them to DVD, make copies for myself, and then return the original VHS and DVD copies of them to you!

Parodius Duh

I dont screw around with downloaded stuff or anything converted to .avi, thanks for the suggestion though.

direct vhs to dvd transfers is what Im mainly after. Or direct recorded from television vhs tapes.


You should definitely try to get some German late night comedies. The commercials are priceless! I'm sure Manuel will attest to this.


Parodius Duh

Yes!!.....would definitely love to get copies of those German Broadcasts with 'exciting' commercials.  :gamer:

Parodius Duh

ahhh I see. Im not good with torrents and all that, nor am I sure how to use skype to meet people with the same interest.  :-\


There's one site you could check out for this sort of thing:

The guy who runs the site, Paul Haberman, records old Japanese shows and anime off of cable broadcasts in Japan  (usually for stuff that doesn't have a Japanese DVD release).  I bought some DVD-Rs of GoLion (Japanese Voltron) from him back in 2004 and there were commercials at the end of some episodes from the Toei Channel re-broadcast.  From what I remember of his site, there are some old 1980s robot anime he had that were from original airings with commercials.  You could e-mail him and ask!

Parodius Duh

April 15, 2012, 06:42:28 am #9 Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 07:06:36 am by Parodius Duh

EDIT: He charges 12 bucks PER DISC, thats kind of a rip off.  I would charge $6 per disc for the same exact series from same resources.

Ughhhhh Hew DOES have some stuff I need though so it looks like Im going to let myself  spend a little more than necessary.....Thanks for the suggestion.