The Namco Masterpiece Series (2nd print of old Namco carts)

Started by fami-ave, May 29, 2012, 08:23:55 pm

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In 1987 (I believe), Namco started re-releasing their old masterpieces. Since they then had switched from the small cardboard box packaging to the infamous plastic cases which they used until the very end, these 2nd print releases would be in those cases and therefore quite recognizable.

Here's an old advertisement for "Chapter 1" of the "Namco Meisaku (Masterpiece) Series"

The first would also remain the only batch of re-releases. It featured 5 games: Galaga, Galaxian, Pac-Man, Mappy and Dig Dug.

I don't really know how "rare" they are in Japan, but they don't show up on Yahoo all that often and are usually quite expensive. The picture above is taken from a YAJ auction that has been in there forever at 45'000 starting bid, but apparently, that's way too high even for those games. Usually they fetch 5'000-8'000yen each, depending on the game. I have not seen enough of them to say which ones are uncommon and which one's are not, but they seem pretty similar in terms of rarity.

Does anyone here collect them? I bought 4 of them recently for a good price and now I'm looking for Mappy, but so far no luck. I wonder if it's easier to find it in Japan? I checked out some old game shop pictures from Super Potato and spotted a Pac-Man and a Galaxian instantly on the regular shelf of boxed games.


I have a cart-only version of the Galaga with the variant label (no "number").  Got it in a pile at a Hard-Off or something for maybe 300 yen.  Never seen one boxed though.


Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").

Parodius Duh

Ive seen the Pac Man one in Yamatoku's auctions quite a few times.