Question regarding AV MOD for FAMICOM

Started by Rogerwilco, November 04, 2015, 08:16:26 pm

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Hi! i got a japanese famicom for 10 bucks because it was broken. I wanted to have it because it is a piece of history.
Since it had no lights, it was difficult to know if it was turned on or off.

I did the led mod and did not work because i found out that the fuse was blown.
Then I bought the 1.5A fuse, now the famicom turns on, but on channel 95 i see the image of the game all with artifacts.

up to this point i donĀ“t know if the issue is the famicom or the game (i only have 1 game, a china copy of an 7in1 cartdrige.)

I checked most of the PPU contacs with the cartdrige slot with a multimeter to see if there was signal of continuity and cannot find the problem.

Im planning on doing your AV mod following the jpx72 website as last hope to fix this beauty since i want to see if video shows up properly

BUT HERE IS WHAT I CANT UNDERSTAND FROM the TUTORIAL, these are the components I need to buy:

ceramic capacitor 1uF 
Resistor 100ohm
Resistor 150ohm
33uF capacitor: (according to your pictures i was able to see it is a 16VOLT one)
220uF electrolytic capacitor for sound I belive ( but WHAT VOLTAGE?, when I go to a store to buy this they will always ask the voltage of this capacitor.

anyone knows?



Famicom operates at 5 V so 16 V should be good enough.


November 24, 2015, 11:17:47 am #2 Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 11:30:31 am by FAMICOM_87
the artifacts must be incompatibility with this  bootleg chines cartridge especially is the PCB is small with glob-top chips   :redcart: so your famicom is ok :) just try an original game or old pirate game with big  PCB with standard chips on it  
You can use 6V or higher voltage in this case :)
You can aways use exact or higher voltage.  

I can advise you not to cut the leg on the PNP on board transistor if you want to keep RF functionality I did that, and my image on both (A/V and RF) are great !
In all guides they did that to reduce vertical lines and increase image quality.
But I just added a cap about 1000mF 6V or higher V  between + and - to drastically reduce vertical lines  (in pictures this cap is actually 220mF, but later I change it with 1000mF one - higher- better )

here is my mod   ;)