Famicom and FDS with 1 AC Adapter, will this work?

Started by GohanX, June 07, 2012, 08:53:03 am

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I just ordered a Famicom and FDS (thanks 80's Freak!) with no power supplies, which is fine as I have a billion of the Sega AC adapters that will work with both systems. I was just thinking though, there is a site that sells AC adapters with multiple plugs so that one adapter can power multiple Sega systems, and since the Famicom and FDS can use the same adapter as a Genesis model 1 (which is also the same as a Sega CD) is there any particular reason the cable for the Genesis 1/Sega CD combo shouldn't work with the Famicom and FDS?



It should be fine for an FDS & Famicom.

It'd be perfect for a Famicom, game doctor, and FDS setup.

Da Bear

As long as your adapter can output ~1Ah to each machine it should be good.
So for a Famicom + FDS it should be rated at least 2Ah.


The site doesn't list the amperage rating, but if it's enough to power a Genesis/Sega CD (the Sega CD in particular uses a good amount of juice) it should be fine for a Famicom and Disk System.

That being said, I think I'm just going to run off one one power supply and some C batteries for a little while to see how it goes. That $16 could buy another game!

Da Bear

Quote from: GohanX on June 11, 2012, 05:52:01 am
The site doesn't list the amperage rating, but if it's enough to power a Genesis/Sega CD (the Sega CD in particular uses a good amount of juice) it should be fine for a Famicom and Disk System.

That being said, I think I'm just going to run off one one power supply and some C batteries for a little while to see how it goes. That $16 could buy another game!

Actually, it does. Their "Trio M1" adapter is rated 3A.

80sFREAK: Polite as always. :fire:


Quote from: 80sFREAK on June 11, 2012, 05:59:47 am
You can pick up something suitable at your local RadioShack.

I should make one experiment... You have 110V AC power, do you?

Oh, I have plenty of suitable AC adapters. I just thought the one on the website was cool since it is one adapter with two plugs that can power both systems.

And yes, 110/120V AC up in here.


Quote from: GohanX on June 11, 2012, 05:52:01 am
That being said, I think I'm just going to run off one one power supply and some C batteries for a little while to see how it goes. That $16 could buy another game!

You know just as my two cents, when I got my fds I used batteries with mine to avoid using another ac adapter, and it was giving me weird issues.  It could be my FDS but i just said fuck it and bought  another adapter.  ( I have the OEM one for the FDS but don't care to fry it cause my power is kinda sketchy in my house.  It really bounces around alot. from 105V to 125V at one point.  So i use GOOD surge protectors on shit i care about and a power conditioner that I can dial down via a variac that is built in.  It is used for audio equipement, so it was expensive but I already had it.

Also if you find an AC adapter that puts out your correct voltage in DC you could use a daisy chain used for guitar effects pedals from a guitar center.  They cost only like $5 and will save you space on a wall wart or another cable.  Providing that you have an adapter that has enough amperage.
Also sconley666 on NintendoAge