Question about FDS belt?

Started by Plep, September 11, 2012, 08:52:26 pm

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Quote from: Plep on September 25, 2012, 10:24:43 am
Alright, hi again all.  After tinkering on and off for a couple days I've got my progress to share.  When I first started the thread I was receiving errors 21 and 22 on my disk system.  My games would try to be read, then it will stop for a second, and continue going again until it got the 21 or 22 errors.  With the 23/27/28 errors my game reaches a black screen before it stops ad starts again.  Should it be stopping or should it go through reading the disk without any stops?

Now with what I've done I've managed to keep it a consistent 27 or 28 errors and sometimes error 23 as well.  Checking the forum I found what each error stood for, so I kind of have an idea on what I'm supposed to do.  The specific errors I'm getting is err. 27, err. 28, very rarely err. 23, and sometimes err. 07 even if I'm on side A of the disk.  The games themselves will end up getting to a black screen for a good 5 seconds before the errors come up so I know I'm getting somewhere.  Also..motor speed, how fast or how slow should it be? Tips on that? And one last there anything I can clean other than the rectangular metal piece on the drive, could anything else dirty be causing problems if it isn't my disk drive? Thanks again.

Edit: I also wanted to say thanks for the people posting advice..some of my questions on this post here have been answered to an extent and I didn't realize it so excuse me if some questions I asked were already answered by a few people, the clarifications will help though :)

The games should not stop reading, at least not on first reading before you see the Nintendo text. You will see the Nintendo text on the first reading.

Motor speed: if 10 is max clockwise and 1 is max counter clockwise, I would set at 7. It depends because some drives are slower. Probably mechanical reasons from age. But motor speed isn't super important as long as it isn't too fast or too slow.

Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


2 Plep are you sure, that your disk is readable? Also can you provide short list like this
-disk xxx gives err aaa, bbb, ccc
-disk yyy ....
-disk zzz ....

The point is  - err.27(err.28???) is CRC error

err.07 is obvious - wrong side( or wrong header)

err.23 - can't read second block. Could be also damaged disk

If calibrators-lubricators want to adjust motor speed, they need one the the follows
1)official Nintendo (or whatever the name for it, used in repair centers) disk
2)stroboscope(in this case, someone else with working unit must have stroboscope)

Also with stroboscope you can check tolerance for motor speed.
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


Quote from: 80sFREAK on September 26, 2012, 07:56:43 am
2 Plep are you sure, that your disk is readable? Also can you provide short list like this
-disk xxx gives err aaa, bbb, ccc
-disk yyy ....
-disk zzz ....

The point is  - err.27(err.28???) is CRC error

err.07 is obvious - wrong side( or wrong header)

err.23 - can't read second block. Could be also damaged disk

If calibrators-lubricators want to adjust motor speed, they need one the the follows
1)official Nintendo (or whatever the name for it, used in repair centers) disk
2)stroboscope(in this case, someone else with working unit must have stroboscope)

Also with stroboscope you can check tolerance for motor speed.

Actually I can verify my system works and my disks are in fact readable.  Last night I managed to get every single game of mine to load.

Metroid - worked
Doki Doki Panic - worked
Castlevania 1 - worked
Zelda II - worked
Zelda I - worked
Mario 2 - worked
Othello - worked

The last configuration I had of the disk system 6/7 games worked.  Mario 2 wasn't working but at least I was actually able to play every game I threw at it at least once yesterday.  I sort of messed up my configuration trying to get Mario 2 to work and as a result my games were back throwing 21 and 22 errors...but now I know what to do and what not to do.  From not having belts to getting them, to getting errors to getting all the games to work at least once was pretty I just have to start all that stuff over in order to get the games working again  ???


Glad to see you made some progress. It's just one of those things you have to dive into for yourself and learn via trial and error.


Yeah, tell me about it.  From the beginning I tried wrapping my head around so many different things I really didn't know where to start.  It was kind of overwhelming but all the things I tinkered with I truly know now that this thing really comes down to trial and error and just checking over and over

I'm not confident enough to say I got all this figured out, but I'm definitely pretty confident in being able to get all my games to work soon enough.  I think I got everything I wanted to our of this thread.  Thank you all who helped with advice, you have all helped me in ways I would've never expected :) :) ;D


I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy