Should I Mod My Super Gameboy Cart?

Started by okame, November 06, 2012, 08:06:15 pm

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I've been looking at retro sites lately, and I saw that the Super Gameboy 2 has a GB link plug, so it can link the cart to other Gameboys for Pokemon games. I could also use it with my Gameboy Printer and the GB Camera. Also, if I ever got someone to fix my SNES, I could use it to play 2 player versions of Original GB games like Tetris.

If I got a GB 2, would it be worth it to mod my original Super Gameboy, since the parts could be scrounged from junk Gameboys that are a dime a dozen on eBay? I have the version of Tetris that came with the original Gameboy, and the game doesn't cost much to get another one. Since the Super GB 2 has a link plug on the right, I'd want mine on the left, to make the connection easier. I'm using a Retron 3 for my SNES needs right now, and the Super GB is too loud on it, so I'd need a volume dial on the right side, so I could turn the Gameboy sound down and use my TV volume to make it louder. I'd also want to put in a headphone plug for late night gaming, with a muted TV.

I'm getting the Super Gameboy 2 either way, but I wanted to know if a mod to my Super Gameboy would be cheaper than buying 2 Super GB carts, one at a time. The cheapest I can find for the Super GB 2 carts on eBay is about $40 each, so if I could get someone to mod my Super Gameboy for $40 at the most, including shipping both ways (I'd include a SASE with the junk GB and Super GB cart), I'd be willing to do it. Any takers?


If you are proficient in soldering and are absolutely sure it is even possible to add in the GB Link cable port to the original design Super GameBoy (I kinda doubt it is, but who knows?) then sure, go for it.

As for the "volume dial", that's an issue with Super Famiclones.  The volume mixture the SGB produces is already correct, adding in any sort of potentiometer there would be completely useless. You need to either be a Famiclone modding expert or just use the original hardware, either an SNES or Super Famicom.

Or, buy a SGB 2, and then get an actual Super Famicom. The volume mix errors that the Retorn3 produce won't go away. you just need to stop using it and replace with the original hardware. There's no skirting around that.