Check this mmc1/mmc3/vrc6 Castlevania2 improvement!

Started by keropi, December 19, 2012, 03:21:13 pm

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December 19, 2012, 03:21:13 pm Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 03:32:20 pm by keropi
Recently I've been searching for hacks and I stumbled upon this ultra-interesting (well at least for me  ??? ) project:

QuoteKey features of my translation:
-- Professional quality. No silly graveyard ducks. Loyal to original Japanese text, with minor improvements.
-- Serif font as evidently intended by original development team
-- Increased dialog box size / density allows for better text
-- Multitarget
---- NTSC and PAL can both be patched
---- Mapper support: MMC1, VRC6, MMC3. Game is changed accordingly. VRC6 recommended, but other options are provided for hardware testing on various donor PCBs.
-- Individual patch features can be changed
---- The in-game map
---- Dialog extensions
---- Password extensions
---- Ending and intro screen extensions

not only a Finish/English faithfull re-translation but also an improvement with an in-game map and mmc1/mmc3/vrc6 support!
... the patch-vending-machine alone on the site worths extra points too  :o
check the translation differences here and the hack's info thread here!

I'm gonna test it tomorrow , the project has been updated with better mmc3 support  ;D