Art Tributes for Final Fantasy I, MegaMan I

Started by GBK666, February 14, 2013, 06:42:51 am

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February 14, 2013, 06:42:51 am Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 08:37:16 am by GBK666

Hello, i am new here and hope it won't be seen as just promoting or advertising my own website and community, i have something to share with you which i thought could interest some of you since it is Famicom/NES related a bit.

Via the Community Game-Art-HQ i organize Art Tribute's and Contests from time to time and i think 3 of them could be interesting for you guys since we illustrated the very first Final Fantasy I and MegaMan I from 1987 in December through drawing artworks of the games and their characters.

Our efforts and talent can't be compared with really professional done art by people who draw for their living, but we are gamers who loved the old characters and games from Matoya in Final Fantasy to Bomb Man in MegaMan I.

If you like seeing fan art and reading a bit about the old games and characters, you are welcome to take a look at our art tributes and give us there or here feedback

For this year a 25 years ago project is planned btw about Zelda II and Super Mario Bros II
If you are a gamer and you like art too, visit Game Art HQ

Jedi Master Baiter

Haha! Love the Mega Man ones.

It's always nice to see them done in different styles.


Thankies in the name of the artists

Yeah, it was pretty cool to see the MegaMan I characters drawn by different artists who are all using their own style of course
If you are a gamer and you like art too, visit Game Art HQ