Do i absolutely need the RF switch?

Started by EvLloyd, November 09, 2013, 08:23:16 pm

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The gem of a Famicon i recently purchased is missing the RF switch, is it absolutely necessary?
If so, can i just head to a local Jaycar or similar electronics store and pick one up that will work??

Appreciate any advice guys!


If your handy with a soldering iron I would suggest to av mod it.


Lol! Im about as handy as a sledge hammer when it comes to solder!!


Does your tv support ntsc also there's some members from australia that could give you better advice than me.


Yep, we have an old US crt we picked up for about 20 bucks! it came with a single cable that clearly plugs into the back of the famicom with an end that appears to plug into the aerial port.
Thats why i was wondering if the RF Switch was totally necessary.

Thanks mate!


Well in that case a nes or sega genesis rf adapter should work.



Since its a US crt tune into channel 95 or 96 to get your famicom to display.