Chinese Chess (MGC-001)

Started by Flying_Phoenix, July 31, 2014, 07:31:39 am

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Ever seen one boxed? With manual? Almost brand new?


Pretty amazing condition and note how the sticker seal mentions MGC-001 so you know it was meant for this box and only this one.

Does anyone have pictures of games from the same series, with the funny see-through box (so we don't have to care about doing a boxart...)?


That is very awesome, I want! 

I saw one other boxed copy, though a long time ago.  Same box, but it may have been cut and put into a plastic clam shell, I forget.

Creatom, another MG title, had a big cardboard box, like a PC game basically.  Thunder Warrior had a standard-sized cardboard box.  Never saw another MG box in the same design as Chinese Chess, but I have seen very few MG boxes.

Post Merge: July 31, 2014, 08:11:50 am

That top seal sticker is the same one that was used as a top label on many Chinese Chess carts.  ;)
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Very cool, I've never seen one in such fresh condition. Did it come with the awesome Fu Manchu statue?


Thanks for the information! There seems to be over 20 "MGC-XXX" titles (here).

You must surely know - are these from Taiwan or Hong Kong? Seems like Hong Kong to me. I'm still very amazed at the personalised black sticker seal.

It came with nothing, but it came from the desert.


I'm not really impressed by the black sticker at all, considering the following:

They just took the same sticker that they were using on the top of their carts, and had used them to seal the boxes too, probably to keep shopkeepers from tampering with the product. 

Like almost everything else of this nature, these were definitely from Taiwan.  It is a misconception that Hong Kong made so much unlicensed Famicom stuff.  They had Honey Bee, but that was pretty much it.  ;)

Yes, there are maybe 25 or so "MGC-XXX" titles; however, the box sizes for those titles vary.  As I mentioned in my previous post, one of the titles (Creatom) came in a box about the size of an old school PC game.  Another, Thunder Warrior, was in a normal sized box.  Also that list is a bit misleading, because some of those games have never been confirmed as existing in Famicom format (i.e. were found in NES 72 pin format, and that is where the part number was taken from, but no one has seen a Famicom version as of yet).

Quote from: Flying_Phoenix on July 31, 2014, 06:10:35 pm
Thanks for the information! There seems to be over 20 "MGC-XXX" titles (here).

You must surely know - are these from Taiwan or Hong Kong? Seems like Hong Kong to me. I'm still very amazed at the personalised black sticker seal.

It came with nothing, but it came from the desert.

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