Pirates from Waixing - some videos(undumped games?)

Started by Bramsworth, October 24, 2009, 12:53:32 am

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I haven't gotten too far in it yet, just enough to test it out. Looks like an RPG but I haven't gotten into a battle. You walk around and talk to people for a little while (something about looking for a treasure map). I'll take some pix and report back when I get to the fighting.
Proud owner of Super Smash Games in Tacoma and Seattle


Actually, I'd love to see some screenshots of the games they simply translated. I know they're the same games (except in Chinese), but that sort of thing interests me for some reason. Especially "Legend of the Golden Triangle" (aka Zelda).
Would you please sign my petition? Hopefully, it will get Another Code R released in America. The link is here: http://www.gopetition.com/online/28991.html


I can take pix if you want, but I'm also selling those cheap ($20+shipping). The other ones I'm selling for $35+shipping ($5 for one, $10 for as many more as you want).

Here's pix of DQVIII:

Is this an original or just a rip-off with a different title screen?

Here's pix of the Mummy:

I forgot to take pix, but you walk around a dig site (I guess) including underground catecombs and the enemies are visible onscreen. Reminds me a bit of Esper Dream except the battles aren't action-based.
Proud owner of Super Smash Games in Tacoma and Seattle


More pictures!

Pokemon Diamond:
typical turn-based RPG but you fight w/ Pocket Monsters (I think they are called Genies in Mandarin). You save via a computer in a store (or something).

Sword of the Gods (aka God Slayer aka Crystalis):
I forgot to take a pic of the title screen. XD I'll post more pix of this game later. It's, of course, and action-RPG.

Final Fantasy III:
Same as the Famicom game, just in Mandarin.

Mystery of the Golden Triangle (aka Legend of Zelda):
Yup it's Zelda in Mandarin. I didn't see any differences other than language.

I couldn't get my Famiclone to work last night so I couldn't take pix of the three games that require a Famiclone. I've been having problems w/ it b/c it's a cheap one. I think the av ports aren't working right on it. XD
Proud owner of Super Smash Games in Tacoma and Seattle