Gimmick repro with sunsoft 5PB

Started by Pit, November 13, 2013, 08:19:07 am

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November 13, 2013, 08:19:07 am Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 06:19:17 am by UglyJoe

Im' currently making my own repro of Gimmick! for famicom. Firstly, I'd like to thank MWK and 80's Freak for helping me when I started involved in this reproduction.

My repro based on a sunsoft FME-7 game is in work in progress. Also, I bought an other sunsoft game : Dodge danpei, to make a second repro.

And what a surprise when I opened the shell :

A sunsoft 5B :'(.

Well, I made research on the web and found that page with a scheme to make 5B support Gimmick sounds : link

I also found Drakon's posts, who made a gimmick repro with a japanese gremlins 2 having a sunsoft 5B, but links of photos are dead.

I'm gonna give this repro a try, my "issues" for now are :

- PRG maskrom is 28 pins, I have to adapt a 27C020 which is 32 pins. I think the PRG maskrom is from Nintendo, I've checked with my multimeter and the pinout corresponds.

- CHR rom might be from sunsoft, so I think no redirections on pins will be needed.

Does anyone else have done this mod ?

mod edit: fixed really long link


IIRC you might need to cut some "ribs" in the shell to fit 32pin chip, otherwise it's just standart rewire procedure.
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


November 14, 2013, 12:21:50 am #2 Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 03:32:35 am by Pit
Ok thanks :D.

With the multimeter I found the PRG maskrom was with nintendo pinout, so I have crossed all pinouts informations and made a scheme of connection :

A17 of the 27C020 need to be wired to the sunsoft 5B pin 32.

Also, on the dodge danpei PCB pin 2 of sunsoft 5B is grounded, it confirms that it has to be lifted.

For the CHR maskrom, the pinout is the same as eproms. I think a 27C1001 will be good.


Quote from: Pit on November 13, 2013, 08:19:07 am
- PRG maskrom is 28 pins, I have to adapt a 27C020 which is 32 pins. I think the PRG maskrom is from Nintendo, I've checked with my multimeter and the pinout corresponds.

- CHR rom might be from sunsoft, so I think no redirections on pins will be needed.

CHR comes with JEDEC compliant pinout, no rewiring needed

PRG as usual comes with 32->28 pin nintendo compatible pinout. Nesdev wiki really helps


Thanks for confirmation :).

Yes Nesdevwiki helps, I made my scheme with it.

I've edited my scheme in my last post, with EPROM A16 that goes to the maskrom pin 22.

So I need :

- PRG : 27C020, rewiring on the scheme,
- CHR : 27C1001, no rewiring.


November 26, 2013, 05:36:07 am #5 Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 11:32:50 am by Pit
News !

I got my gimmick repro with 5B chip work, but I don't have the extra sounds. I'll checked the sound circuit I built in the cartridge, but I was wondering if I would have to mod my Nes too.

I'm using my nes toaster with added famicom slot, and a enio exp board. With the powerpack I have the extra sounds, not with my gimmick repro.

Edit : I have to mod the 60-72 pin converter, by wiring pin 46 (60 pins edge) to pin 54 (72 pins edge). Will try tonight :bub:

Post Merge: November 26, 2013, 11:32:49 am

Ok, now it fully works :). I lade the mod on my 60-72 pins adapter and all the sounds are here.

Thank you again famifan, 80's freak and MWK :).


My for Sale / Trade thread




@Pit, all looks good. Tidy, no hot glue involved. Just noticed pin1 on PRG chip is missing, but IIRC it's NC anyway.

Quote from: L___E___T on November 26, 2013, 11:34:28 am
Can you start making some more? :)
Unfortunately 5B based Dodge Danpei or whatever it was are not that common, so AY chip required.
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


Special Offer
Exclusively for FamicomWorld

Famicom 5B lottery: purchase 10x of Dodge Danpei and participate in sunsoft 5B hunting with non-zero probability ;D

More purchases are making higher your chances!

Friendly cost for already registered famicomworld member is low as $19.99 per cart.
Also, a premium version contains Gremlins2 is also available only for $39.99 per cart.  :pacman: Hurry up! :link:
Limited stock :-X
Starting on Dec, 1st 8)


Quote from: 80sFREAK on November 26, 2013, 09:29:26 pm
@Pit, all looks good. Tidy, no hot glue involved. Just noticed pin1 on PRG chip is missing, but IIRC it's NC anyway.

I noticed that PRG pin 1 was not connected on dodge danpei 2 and barcode world, so I made the same with this mod.

PRG pin 2 is also connected to 5V.

For the sunsoft 5B, I lifted pins 2 and 3, pins 27 and 32 are not traced so no need to lift it.


December 04, 2013, 07:16:20 am #12 Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 08:28:10 am by Pit
Hey, I'm currently makin a second repro with a sunsoft FME7 (dodge danpei 2).

I put the eproms, but the game does not boot. I tried another set of eproms, no boot... I put the Pal version to test, it boots...

So the question is : will the japanese version of gimmick boot without the AY and the LS chips ?

Edit : Seeing the AY chip connections to the eprom, I think Japanese gimmick will not boot without AY chip, AY chip is a part of the mapper needed to make the game work ; am I right ?



i can't recall what type of gimmick i have on my fme7 based barcode donor repro.

Post Merge: December 04, 2013, 11:17:53 am

Quote from: Pit on December 04, 2013, 07:16:20 am
Edit : Seeing the AY chip connections to the eprom,

AY chip needs a connection to data/adress bus. Nothing special i guess


Ok, so japanese Gimmick should work without AY ? I tried many eproms, verified my CHR and PRG files, the game does not boot :(.