Famicom help

Started by akumajo, January 03, 2014, 04:03:57 pm

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Hi all I recently purchased a famicom not having a famicom dc power supply i used a sega dc with polarity of center pin - and an nes rf switch it worked fine for about 20 mins however after powering off it is no longer operational I checked the fuse and 7805 both gave continuity with multimeter however when i tested the CAP it only registered 3.5V, I know it is supposed to be 6.5v could this be the problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated
You Spoony Bard!!!


in what way is it not operational? black screen? or no screen at all when you turn it on?
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


no screen at all it is acting like it is getting no power at all
You Spoony Bard!!!


I just remember an AV modded famicom that worked fine for us but never gave the customer a picture. I never understood what was wrong with it. It overheated for some unknown reason. If you let the console run for a few minutes you can touch the PPU or CPU and see if it is very hot.

Sure you have the right settings on the TV? Maybe need to search for the channel again. Usually they don't just stop working, but it is possible.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


Quote from: akumajo on January 03, 2014, 04:03:57 pm
... i used a sega dc ... it worked fine for about 20 min...
...I know it is supposed to be 6.5v ...

If it worked for 20minutes fine, it should work again. Check the cable connections and measure the adapter for correct voltage.
Also you should have two voltages in your Fami: 9V (or what is on the adapter) before 7805 and 5V after 7805.


January 04, 2014, 11:35:39 am #5 Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 01:15:43 pm by akumajo
I have done all that the adapter i was using was a sega dc 9v center pin negative polarity like what the famicom requires so i really dont understand why its not working i used channel 95 on my parents tv and it worked. when i took it home it was no longer operational i thought it might be my tvs so i took it back to my parents hooked it back up and same result no screen flicker no audio buzzing from unsheilded rf no nothing

Post Merge: January 04, 2014, 01:15:43 pm

I think i figured out the issue the dc adapter I'm using is an original genesis model one adapter i just checked the adapter for continuity and there is a cold joint in there somewhere
You Spoony Bard!!!