Oh eBay (since when were Sachen games illegal?)

Started by fcgamer, March 06, 2014, 08:21:43 pm

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Earlier this week I received notice from eBay that a few of my auctions had been cancelled, since they were counterfeit products.  I was a little surprised as usually I just try to sell any multicarts or things of that nature on forums instead of risking eBay for that stuff, and checked to see which listings were removed.  Oh wow, some unlicensed Sachen games for Famicom.   :o  At that time I also received an email from eBay stating that because of my actions, I would be unable to sell things for a week.

Flash forward to about Wednesday, iirc, and I received a second notice from eBay stating that they decided to indefinitely ban me from selling video games on eBay, due to my actions.   :'(   I've tried to explain the situation to the eBay customer service folks online, but they just pass the buck from one reason to the next.  You ask if it is against their listing policies to sell independent (unlicensed) games, then they say it is because of customer complaints against your account.  You ask them where the complaints are, as you sure haven't received any, and then they tell you something else.  The whole thing makes me frustrated to no end, especially because I had wanted to really start selling more items this year, to try to raise some funds for going to grad school.

I guess the good news is though that I will be selling more things on the FW forums again, for those who are interested.   ;D   I also might try listing some things on Game Gavel, and I am always open for other suggestions as well.  I think if I don't get things straightened with my eBay account though, then I will just leave selling on there for good, as I just don't need that sort of stress in my life.
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That really sucks man. I would be pretty cheased if I lost all my feedback.

You could sell some mystery boxes on here with some filler games and maybe 1 or 2 neater games. I know I'd more than likely buy one.

Hopefully you can get everything sorted out with ebay. :(


Sorry to hear that - really poor on their part.  I swear they have an army of trolls working as customer service.

Does it make you wonder if it might be NA-ers trying to force you off so they can charge more for theirs??
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Quote from: L___E___T on March 07, 2014, 05:22:53 am
Sorry to hear that - really poor on their part.  I swear they have an army of trolls working as customer service.

Does it make you wonder if it might be NA-ers trying to force you off so they can charge more for theirs??

I honestly think it is a competitor or two who did this.  A lot of the items I sold were always listed at $20...although this may seem high to some folks as an "1 cart" basis, by the time I figured in eBay and paypal fees, shipping costs (I always included free shipping), actual cost of the item for me, etc, I was making very little profit, from $5 - $10.  I just sell things to make a few extra dollars for my own collecting goals, but to also help people get these items for prices that aren't as inflated.  Because of this, I think a few sellers probably got angry at me, for stealing some sales from them.  Oh well.

I don't think things will get resolved, so if they don't, I'll post a more detailed selling thread next week.
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I am tempted to report every NES Sachen seller if your account is truly down to reports.  Price Gouging on eBay is way worse in my eyes than repros or bootlegs.  That is what's hurting the collecting scene, if anything.
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That's ridiculous, Dave. Meanwhile, there are still half a dozen repros of dozens of NES games being listed all day without a complaint (and at least the occasional counterfeit copy trying to passed off as something original).
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?



I would be happy if people reported and got rid of fakes, repros and pirate games...
You may not believe it, but some beginner gamers can't tell if a game is a pirate game and buy stuff like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hudsons-Adventure-Island-3-ULTRA-RARE-Famicom-Cartridge-/261415051789.

Sachen is different, but I don't think we can expect eBay support people to know the difference. Too bad for you. Maybe you can keep on arguing your point, and point to other Sachen games on eBay.
But bottom line, always be extra careful about anything that could be considered counterfeit.

Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


Does NA and FW have a serious rivalry, or something? ???
I mainly collect Gamecube (GCN) items. I collect other items too, but I'm focusing on my GCN collection currently.


Quote from: fredJ on March 09, 2014, 06:44:02 am
I would be happy if people reported and got rid of fakes, repros and pirate games...
You may not believe it, but some beginner gamers can't tell if a game is a pirate game and buy stuff like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hudsons-Adventure-Island-3-ULTRA-RARE-Famicom-Cartridge-/261415051789.

Sachen is different, but I don't think we can expect eBay support people to know the difference. Too bad for you. Maybe you can keep on arguing your point, and point to other Sachen games on eBay.
But bottom line, always be extra careful about anything that could be considered counterfeit.

I've always felt that it isn't so bad to sell such bootleg carts as the one shown above, as it actually has some merit to it, other than just tricking collectors.  Interestingly enough, I can trace the cartridge case manufacturer, etc.  Still no justification for piracy, I guess, but imo complaints on this item, now, would be a little to late since it had been made 15 years ago.  Though I also see your point, especially concerning newer collectors, and I know that my stance on early bootlegs versus people these days replicating rare games can be seen as a bit hypocritical, especially seen that there is a very, very fine line (if any).  But Sachen games are a totally different story, and I am just a bit astonished that staff at eBay would look and say, "Oh I know that (insert obscure, licensed Famicom game) is licensed and not bootleg, but these here Sachen games...must be counterfeits."

I also find it amazing how people continue to list more and more multicarts, bootleg games, unlicensed games for all machines, repros, repro labels, boxes and manuals, etc.  I know another collect that had his account terminated recently, and it seems to have been from similar circumstances.  But we all know at the end of the day that so much stuff gets thrown up on there, and the bigger sellers are basically untouchable when it comes to being shut down, when they are selling this stuff, as it just brings eBay too much money.

Post Merge: March 09, 2014, 08:28:01 pm

On that note, I haven't heard anything back from eBay after their first initial message, and be damned if I am going to waste my time and money calling them from Taiwan, just to talk to some dimwit who won't understand what I am saying anyway.

I think I'll just stick to selling on here, NA and Game Gavel, and put the drama behind me.
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Well, the thing is, ebay employees aren't experts in famicom games... or NES probably.
Sometimes we collectors forget that there are many many different niche areas.
Many Sachen games were pirate games, after all, and the eBay personal can't tell "oh, Pipe V, that is a pirate game, Rocman X might be problem with CapCom".

Yes they probably won't terminate accounts of big sellers.
One reason is that they check an account ration of legit games and auctions that have been reported.
The main reason auctions get closed is because they get reported. That's why there are so many pirated games all the time, because they haven't been reported. If people report auctions of big sellers, I think they are likely to be removed too. Since it is technically illegal.

They don't allow "modified consoles" either. I am selling Japanese N64 consoles with tabs cut for US games, and that seems to be acceptable. But they are very sensitive to anything mentioning "chipped", and you should avoid calling a console "modified". Action replays aren't allowed, but you can sometimes get by selling them as "cheating devices" or such.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


I found someone selling Dreamcast compilations and reported them but because they were selling so many of them, it seems they never got taken down.  eBay love money more than they fear lawyers it seems.
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Well after waiting for quite some time to hear a response, eBay finally got back to me today!  Although not the answer I was looking for, I really have to laugh at these jerks.

One Mr. Johnathan told me that I could not have the seller block removed since I was advertising them as Nintendo games.  He even went so far as to state that since I mentioned buyers would need an adapter if using them on a NES, that they were compatible with Nintendo machines and due to the fact that they were not of the Nintendo brand, I could not mention Nintendo in the listings, and as such, violated terms and services, thus justifying the block I received.  In the initial email, I was told that I received the block due to selling counterfeit games...so is it the counterfeit games or the usage of the word Nintendo in the listings, please make up your mind eBay, please!   :crazy:
  I will write back to these jokers later, for round 3, just to see what other stupid things eBay has to say.

From what eBay just told me now, it is a violation of terms to advertise Famicom games with the word "Nintendo" in the listing, since you need an adapter to run them on one of those 72 pin Nintendas that Granny might have in the attic.  I guess the fact that Nintendo made the Famicom is worth nothing.   :upsetroll:
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What a bunch of BS! Sounds like they are just trying to hide the fact that they have no idea what they are talking about, and just ends up making even more of a fool of themselves.


Indeed - they are clueless.  It's all a bit "you will repec mah authoritah!"
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Oh I give up.  eBay, what a bunch of useless, clueless turds.  Today I received a beauty that I will quote:

"We received the documents you submitted for your restriction appeal. However, after reviewing the details on your account, I can confirm that the action taken was correct."

The funny thing about this paragraph is that I never sent eBay any documents during any sort of appeal...

"Unfortunately, as a result of this action, your account will remain restricted indefinitely in the video game category.  Further communication in this regard will not result in the reinstatement of your account.  In addition, any new accounts created to circumvent this action will result in similar action."

Okay, now I am a bit clueless again.  Am I being chastised and punished for messaging eBay about having my account reinstated in the video games category?  Or am I missing something here? 

Also, I think it is quite funny that eBay suggests that one can gain permission from the rights holders, that would have requested that the game auctions be shut down; however, nowhere could I find this information (which is surely because some competitor flagged the auctions, and not Nintendo / Sachen / anyone else that cares).  Yet in my email messages to eBay, I repeatedly requested this information, yet eBay refused to mention or tell me which rights holders questioned the legitimacy of my products.   ;D   :o
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