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Who is on Backloggery?

Started by Profeta Yoshitake, March 08, 2014, 03:15:56 pm

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Profeta Yoshitake

Hi there everybody!
I'm very away from FW forums, but I like you guys and every time I start a new game, Famicom World comes to my mind.
During the last decade or so I bought a lot of games for a lot of systems.
Problem is my home office is loaded with 2k+ games, and the massive majority of them is unfinished or even worse: unplayed, factory sealed, forgotten, trapped inside spiderwebs etc. Two years ago I created an account on and put there each and every game I had in my collection. Thanks that now I see the size of my backlog, or as I like to say: my "queue".
From creating an account there until now, I can say that I gave much more love for those sad piled dusted old (and new) games.  :gamer:
I'm from Brazil as some of you already know, and I have just a few gaming comrades posting their gaming evolution there, so I would like to ask you guys who have a Backloggery account? I'd love to see what you are playing!
My backloggery is this one if anybody want to add me:
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


I think DDCecil has one, when I saw it, it made me want to get an account as well.  I will get to it, but I haven't checked it out properly yet - plus I quite keeping games separate from spreadsheets other wise it feels more like a task and less like a fun hobby, at least for the time being.  I think if I did keep track of it, it might make me play more as well, so I'm on the fence a bit.
My for Sale / Trade thread

Profeta Yoshitake

You're right, L___E___T!
In my case, this tracking of my gaming affects me on the positive side, but I know people who would become very bored.
Speaking of gaming becoming a task, I'm conducting a little academic research involving the original Final Fantasy VI, its localization for the SNES and a fan translation to Brazilian Portuguese. I'm walking on the razor's edge right now.  :bomb:
But it is still very nice!

Adding DDCecil right now, thank you!
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


I have one, but one of my biggest problems is that they do not have a section for Super Famicom games. I have 30+ Super Famicom games I would love to add, but I don't want to have to put them in the Super Nintendo section, since many of them were not release on the SNES.
Here are a few games I am looking for right now
Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Sega Saturn)
GeGeGe no Kotarou (Sega Saturn)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Sega Saturn)
KiKi KaiKai (PC Engine) (CIB)
Puzzle Bobble (Super Famicom) (CIB)

Profeta Yoshitake

Yeah, Jessica! You're right!
And more than 50% of my Super Nintendo games are Japanese.  :'(
My solution was updating the region to "Japan" for every new Super Famicom game added.
But it is not the same thing of having NES and Famicom games separated.
I'm adding you also, if you don't mind!   :D
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


Hmm, that's interesting, maybe I'll check it out.
I always get a bit depressed about sites like these because my goal isn't just to beat games... I only beat games that I enjoy playing, and that's a minority.  :P Sometimes I then beat them more than once.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").

Profeta Yoshitake

Agreed. There are games that claim to be played again and again and again!
Tetris, Dr. Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Street Fighter, Super Bomberman, Double Dragon, International Superstar Soccer...  ;D
The list varies from player to player.

The point for me is that I have 77,7% of my games unfinished, which is not necessarily a problem because there are lots of tough games, but having 58% of unplayed games disturbs me.  :blinky:
Almost all of the games I have I want to play to the end.  Backloggery helps me to visualize this scene.

You can customize your games list there, also, marking as "null" the ones you're not going to play until the end.
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


Nice to see you beat Cpt Tsubasa 2.
Did you beat it in Japanese?
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").

Profeta Yoshitake

Yes, I did.
I love this game. It's so improved compared to the first one!
The musics, the special plays, everything is better.
This sequel requires much less Japanese skills than the first one that requires some reading
to find and "recruit" Misaki.
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union

Profeta Yoshitake

Quote from: JessicaWolf on March 08, 2014, 04:19:18 pm
I have one, but one of my biggest problems is that they do not have a section for Super Famicom games. I have 30+ Super Famicom games I would love to add, but I don't want to have to put them in the Super Nintendo section, since many of them were not release on the SNES.

As promised, I asked the staff about a new Super Famicom section and here goes their response:

QuoteWe are planning on giving Super Famicom its own section, though Drumble wants to complete the site redesign first.
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


Just joined Backloggery. My account name is Russam5354, as usual.
I mainly collect Gamecube (GCN) items. I collect other items too, but I'm focusing on my GCN collection currently.

Profeta Yoshitake

Nice! I have just added you to my multitap!  :)
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union