Analogue Nt

Started by Ghegs, March 12, 2014, 02:15:48 pm

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Basically, the people responsible for the sleek (and expensive) wooden CMVS are now building a "new" system that, I'm guessing, will play both NES and Famicom cartridges, have support for the original FDS, have four controller ports built-in, and is built with contemporary displays and audio equipment in mind.

No price has yet been revealed, but the creators did say over on this thread on that it will be considerably cheaper than their CMVS systems which go for $649. Guess we'll hear more soon.


I wonder how it will handle four player games, since the Famicom and the NES handle that differently.


Can't wait to learn more.  Hopefully this will help cut down on Titler butchering and bad, bad, bad modding services.
My for Sale / Trade thread


TITLER butchering should be outlawed!

- Save the titlers committee
- Collecting should be about owning the games as much as playing them!


Site's now up and ready to take pre-orders:

$500 for the system, $50 more if you want it any color other than white. $50 for a HDMI adapter which is required for the system to output HD resolutions, which is kind of the whole point of the device.

My oh my. I think I'll be quite content with my RGB-modded AV Famicom.


A problem with Titler and arcade Famicom CPUs is that some games that uses a certain PPU technique (namely intensifying red, green and blue at the same time to create a fadeout effect) are unplayable with those. But I guess Analogue Nt is using the NESRGB approach.

Looks like they cannibalized real Famicoms for the CPUs and PPUs instead. "We were able to procure a large quantity of HVC-001 Famicom systems that were in cosmetically undesirable/unsellable condition," source:

It sounds like they support both Famicom- and NES-style four player games from what I can tell from the official site.

No lockout chip? Wasn't there at least one game that requires the lockout chip and doesn't work on NES systems with the lockout chip is disabled and on Famicoms?

Also it seems there's no way to use the con II microphone. There are games that requires it to proceed in the game.

Finally it says "Famicom Disk System (via expansion port)". Surely it must be a mistake. Disk System connects via the 60pin cartridge port.


These are supposed luxury items - so the cost will never make sense, just like an expensive handbag is never really costs the money you have to pay for it.  I guess it's different for cars though.
My for Sale / Trade thread


It is certainly stylish, but way too pricey for me :o


I dont understand the logic of shelling out that kind of money for 30 year old hardware dressed up in a nice shell. It doesnt do much for famicom/nes in progressive terms. Bunny boys HDMI nes will blow it out of the water.  ;D
- Collecting should be about owning the games as much as playing them!


I am against this device, honestly it's possible to HDMI mod a NES-101 and a AV Famicom.
Why waste money on an expensive clone when you can just upgrade your official hardware.


They gutted Famicoms for the CPU and PPU chips.  It's not quite accurate to call it a clone.


That does look nice, but not $500 nice.
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May 07, 2014, 09:43:22 am #12 Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 12:27:39 pm by L___E___T
Christoph (the guy / aka Analogue Ltd.) is getting absolutely vilified in that thread over on

I can understand why.  It is a heck of a lot of money.  Famicoms are getting butchered.  HDMI cables costs even more money.  +Some other reasons.

I know Rose Colored Gaming's prices are 'boutique' but this guy takes it to a whole new level.

Post Merge: May 07, 2014, 12:27:39 pm

I'm actually going to just get a NES, gut it and make my own version of the AVS this way, outputting RGB and all that jazz.  Why the hell not.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Rose Color Gaming has decent enough prices. Remember, we need to factor in labor. Analogue Nt is just way out of my even wanting to look at it range. Cut it in half and we have a deal. $500, though? I could buy quite a few quality Turbo CD games with that money.


But don't you realise those fancy tumblr pics cost money?? :D. Yeah his prices are stupid but sadly some people will buy them, so it'll still work.  He has enough demand to satisfy the limited supply.  Hipster as a fixie, though, and not in a good way.
My for Sale / Trade thread