Favorite Gaming Generation?

Started by Russam5354, March 13, 2014, 05:59:03 pm

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What was your favorite generation of gaming and why?

1st (Magnavox Odyssey)
0 (0%)
2nd (Atari 2600)
1 (3.7%)
3rd (8-bit era)
11 (40.7%)
4th (16-bit era)
11 (40.7%)
5th (32-bit + 64-bit era)
0 (0%)
6th (128-bit era) (PS2, GCN, XBOX, DC)
4 (14.8%)
7th (Wii, XB360, PS3)
0 (0%)
8th (Current gen, as of 3/14/2014) (Wii U, PS4, XB-ONE)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 26


~Please make a vote in the poll, and a comment explaining why~

My favorite gen. is the 6th gen. because of the PS2 and GCN. The GCN played a major role in my gaming life, because it was my first ever gaming console. My older brother, Sam, had a GCN, PS2 and Xbox, and when he got the PS2 and Xbox, he gave me his GCN. This later happened when he got an Xbox 360, and gave me his Wii. I played a little bit of PS2 before, and liked it a lot. I'm going to invest in some more PS2 games soon.
What do you guys think? :question: :redcart:
I mainly collect Gamecube (GCN) items. I collect other items too, but I'm focusing on my GCN collection currently.


March 14, 2014, 10:44:38 am #1 Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 05:50:03 pm by L___E___T
I'd have to say the 16-bit era.  To me that is the golden age of gaming.  Arcades were still around and the home console games were well into the stride of success following on from the 8-bit revolution.  That time was amazing.

Having said that, I looked at 6th Gen for a long time.  I have owned more 6th games than probaby anything else.  Another amazing period for me when I think about Kingdom Hearts, Gran Turismo 3, Tenchu 3, Zone of the Enders - so many really great cinematic games that were still to be played as video games - rather than how a lot of 7th gen games seem to be cutscenes with QTEs thrown in.

So I definitely go with the 16-bit era, which let's not forget also had an amazing period of handhelds thrown in for good measure.  To me, this was when games were at their best.  That might sound odd as Famicom is my main passion in games - but that's because in my opinion the NES and Famicom is where the stuff I love most was conceived, it's the start of so much and was a massive development from the home computing machines we had here in England.
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I vote 16-bit era too. Let explains it very well. Only problem is that not as many people played games in my town in that era as the previous era so it was not as easy to borrow games. Most kids just got an NES but their parents didn't want to by a 16-bit console for them.

I still like all the eras but I have trouble keeping up with the last two ones.


8-Bit! I play more 8-Bit games then anything else. :)


I'm an NES guy, so I had to go with the third generation. It's kind of hard to explain it, but these games seem to have the most charm of any era. The 16-bit era was the apex of 2D gaming from a technical standpoint, but maybe the games were just more... formulaic by that point.
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I was between 8bit and 16bit, but decided to go with 16bit because of SMD.

There's people that consider the 6th and 7th generations the best so that just goes to show they haven't played any true retro games, but rather shooters, sports, sandbox and whatever.

I'm not saying all shooters/sandbox games are bad, I love Wolfenstein, Doom and GTA V for example but without experiencing the early 2D/3D games there's no sense of what gaming was about.

Robocop Vs. Terminator for SMD is an awesome game and recommend it for everyone to play it (avoid the SNES as it's censored).


Heh, nice to know - I think SMD also made me choose 16-bit, when you combine what the SMD did with the strengths of Super Famicom and the other systems around at the time, I think it was anything but a tired formula - it was a golden formula!  NES era was the discovery of all these possibilities, but the 16-bit hardware allowed games to maximise on those possibilities.  8-bit has more soul, but 16-bit has all the juicy guts :D
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16-bit by far. The quality of graphics and sound is at a level good enough to be timeless.

Also the "holy trinity" of Super Famicom, Megadrive and PC-Engine is pure magic.  ;D


Profeta Yoshitake

My favorite is the third generation.
It came when I was very young and had plenty of time and friends to play with.
It was the Famicom era. The epoch where legends were born!
There was no generation with so many improvements.
The technological jump was translated directly into new forms and concepts of playability.
From Pitfall to Super Mario Bros to Super Mario Bros 3. From River Raid to Star Force[FC] to Recca and Star Soldier [PCE]. From Adventure to The Legend of Zelda.
Just to name a few silly examples.
The fun I have playing 8-bits games is still unmatched, besides adoring specially the 16-bits era.
The golden years to me were the days between 1990~1995. It was filled with the top NES/Famicom games, the top Mega Drive/Genesis games, and the top SNES/SFC games. Not to mention PCE and portable games... This period was the best.
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


Awesome. The reason why I didn't pick the 3-4th gen is because I didn't grow up with it, and never played a game from those gens on a legit console. (Emulators, ports, Virtual Console, etc. is what I played on). Another reason is probably because the consoles from back then is technologically primitive compared to the GCN and Wii that I grew up with.
   128 bits, good 3D, (better than N64 graphics) motion control, (7th gen Wii) more buttons, and newer game engines were standard for me, and the jump backwards seems slightly difficult. But, I heard that the gameplay and addictive arcade-like games on the 3rd-4th gen consoles are excellent! Thanks for sharing!  :D
I mainly collect Gamecube (GCN) items. I collect other items too, but I'm focusing on my GCN collection currently.


I had to go with the 3rd (8 bit) generation as well. There is just something magical about firing up the NES and playing Super Mario Bros. 3 and The Legend of Zelda for hours. I guess I am only saying this because I grew up on NES. It holds a special place in my heart  ;D


3rd and 4th Gen is tied

I went for 16-bit era

Played it the most


This is really hard this is like asking someone who has kids which one is their favourite IT'S UNFAIR DAMNIT!!!


I`m torn between 2nd and 3rd.  Mainly because my childhood straddled both of them so I have fond memories of each.  And of my current collection, my Atari 2800 and Intellivision are on almost equal footing with my Famicom in terms of how much I like them!


My best gaming generations are 3rd, 4th and 5th, can't decide only one...
i' spent the most time on 8 bit video games (that was most popular when i was kid), but somehow i enjoy the most when i got my first PC (old Pentium 133Mhz, 16MB RAM...)
these are the unforgettable moments !  :)