Free Famicom Game Contest

Started by Ghegs, March 23, 2014, 04:52:29 am

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An offshoot from fcgamer's thread, from whom I recently got a cart. I already have the game as a legit cart, so rather than hogging it I want to pass it forward. I was going to post this in that thread, but the automerge function meant my post didn't push the thread up, so nobody would've noticed it..

Same rules and conditions apply, whoever replies to this gets the mystery cart from me!


Cool I'm first, what's the game?  :o


You'll see that when you get the game! PM me your address and I'll get the game out.


You might want to tell me just in case I have it! Maybe let me have a clue? Which developer was the original by?


If he passes it up I am so down for some random game.

These contests are cool. Thanks for paying it forward.


Quote from: heranbago on March 23, 2014, 12:07:55 pm
If he passes it up I am so down for some random game.

These contests are cool. Thanks for paying it forward.

Exactly!  I think that is really cool of Ghegs as well :)
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