Strange power issue with Famicom...

Started by zmaster18, April 16, 2014, 08:50:03 pm

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So I sold an AV modded famicom to a customer and when he received it her said that the power is always on, regardless if the power switch is on or off. The only way to turn it off is to simply pull out AC adapter. I got the system back from him and he's right...

How do I go about fixing this? It wasn't like this when I sold it to him. I still haven't opened it up yet, but I will later today. What factors could cause the system to be permanently on? Perhaps the buyer intentionally soldered something together to get a refund, or maybe something inside is somehow short circuiting? This is such a strange case and don't even know how this is possible.


Post some pics when you have it apart. Could be anything from something shorting across the power switch or wires to it, to a blob of solder on the PCB closing a circuit.


What power adapter is he using? An AC adapter could be making this (NES one), famicom needs DC.


April 18, 2014, 10:59:49 am #3 Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 01:28:16 pm by zmaster18
It was a regular Famicom AC adapter. I'm looking at the board and I think I bridged some solder where the volt regulator is. I'll check to see if that's the problem.

I re-soldered the volt regulator and now it works. Problem solved.