WTB Famicom Disk Drive (Replacement

Started by Voultar, June 15, 2014, 04:25:45 pm

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The Disk-Drive in my Famicom has went south. I've calibrated the spindle hub, adjusted the magnetic head to spec, and everything else that I can think of to no avail. Error codes 22 and 27 are throwing every single time.

So, I'm looking for a bare drive to transplant into the unit. If anyone has one for sale, let me know.



they have a list of all the error codes and what they mean here: http://www.famicomworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=7142.0
and if you already did all that then someone still might be able to either repair it for you or help you out if you describe the specifics in the technical and repair assistance section but i dont think you should just call it junk just yet if it was working and nothing obvious happened to it
sorry if this is old news though and you are certain its broken   :P


I calibrated the spindle hub because it was way out of factory alignment, and the drive was throwing intermittent error 22 & 27 codes. The belt was replaced shortly before I purchased this unit, but the spindle index wasn't properly aligned after reviewing the drive. I've also adjusted the magnetic head to spec with a caliper per the repair document, no avail. The disk speed has been properly adjusted, as well; I've also cleaned the head unit. The felt pad on the pressure arm is practically new, so that isn't the issue. Both of the push switches are actuating correctly on the drive. I've exhausted all documented procedures, I really don't know what else I can try at this point.


Have you at one point gotten the"Black Screen of Hope"? Where the screen goes black as if it almost reads the disk, then get an error 27? If you have gotten the black screen of hope, you are very close to getting the machine to work.

I'm working on some FDS's right now and I could sell just the FDS, with no RAM adapter, for like $60 plus shipping if you'd like.


Yeah, the black screen of hope comes and goes at times.

It's interesting, some days it's 100% disk read successful, and then the next day it can be 100% disk read failure.

I've disassembled the machine and have went through ever, single, moving part. I do this sort of thing for a living professionally, so it's not a matter that's out of my skill-set. I may just need to take a break and come back to it later. Replacing the entire drive is the "shotgun" method of repair.


That's frustrating just to read about. After solid days of that 'black screen of hope' I gave up, caved it, and got a replacement drive. I gave the old one to someone willing to deal with it as a gift.