Batong 686 Famiclone

Started by doctorlai, June 15, 2014, 05:40:02 pm

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Anyone knows this? It comes with a small monitor, and looks quite interesting.. wondering where I can get one of this..

prince tomato

it has a floppy drive?!
also, where do the controllers go?
that thing looks AWESOME!


A floppy drive? IT HAS A SCREEN!  ;D
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prince tomato

June 23, 2014, 03:25:18 am #3 Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 12:03:49 pm by prince tomato
i found 1,
will update when it arrives.


WOW, it has cassette drive like Commodore!  :o


That is seriously bad ass and you are amazing, Prince Tomato!  Glad you found one, and can't wait to hear details about it :)
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prince tomato

June 23, 2014, 11:52:54 am #6 Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 12:02:47 pm by prince tomato
things may get even better...
i may have found two.
google won't yield any info on these things,
so i'm sending one to an expert for analysis,
i want to know more about the strange cartridges in the
box on the right side.
possibly MSX or something?
i doubt it takes Famicom carts, but we'll know soon if all goes well.


That is one hell of a find!!! :o I want to know moaaar!! :D
I always downshift near a hybrid, so they can hear me hurt the environment...


Me too! :D

There certainly were Chinese MSXes  since the blueMSX emulator has Chinese language types, but I don't know how common they where. Also I've never seen a Famiclone with double cartridge slots. Additionally the cartridges looks a bit short for Famicom carts.

prince tomato

just got a message from the seller,
he wants €160 a piece including shipping.
i don't really have that kind of money right now and i don't know if they are really worth that much...
what do you guys think?


Sounds like a lot for an old computer that we don't know much about.

prince tomato

i agree, but i'm still tempted...


How much of that price is shipping?  If this thing has a CRT built into it (even a small one), it's going to be heavy.

prince tomato

June 24, 2014, 06:32:14 am #13 Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 12:58:24 pm by prince tomato
shipping is a little over €50.

Post Merge: June 24, 2014, 12:58:24 pm

so, turns out that there are 4 available,
buying all 4 would be a bit cheaper,
about €140 a piece including shipping,
but it's a bit more than i want to spend on these right now, or at least all by myself .
anyone else interested in these and willing to jump in?


i dont have near enough!  :-[  but im really curious whats on those carts though and the whole system itself looks really cool (although im sure my mother would kill me if a got ANOTHER game system  ::) )