Batong 686 Famiclone

Started by doctorlai, June 15, 2014, 05:40:02 pm

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Where did you find it?
if you don't want it, then I want to get one, if you don't mind.

prince tomato

Huateng Toy Co.
i don't know how or where,
but they found 4 used ones.


I'm not sure that I have that kind of money to be tossing around either at the moment, but that Famiclone does look slick.  My only question though is as follows:  Are we even sure that this is a Famiclone? 
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!

prince tomato

after digging around a bit (an d a little help from friends)
my guess is that it isn't.
you it is running on some kind of HT-DOS OS,
where other PC Famiclones will have a custom OS and usually a fake windows GUI,
also it has beem described as an award winning PC somewhere in the early nineties.
the cartridges seen on the right have a weird narrow bit at the bottom, and could possibly be memory expansion carts or something.
so, probably not a famiclone, but a pretty sweet set-up with a timeless design nonetheless.


Old thread resurrection!

I've just bought one of these.
Mine doesn't have the disk drive or the 2x expansion slots.
It does have a TV tuner in it though.

I have the original 'basic' cart and the keyboard. I haven't seen my version ANYWHERE on the net. You can only find the disk versions.

The famicom side works ok, I just need to repair the TV part. It has horizontal collapse at the moment.