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How do you collect?

Started by Shumi Nagaremono, July 08, 2014, 06:42:10 pm

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on one hand i love my wii u and i cant wait for mario maker, super smash bros, hyrules greatest warrior (im gonna retry the game genre again for the sake of being a L.O.Z. fan) etc. to come to wii u and i love just getting comfy in my bed and using the tablet to play games and watch shows on netflix plus you get alot of discounts and rewards with nintendo like club nintendo, Deluxe console discount, and tons of other deals like with mario kart 8 its awesome and you dont have to pay to play online

but with that being said on the other hand i still enjoy shooters (not an overkill of them like theyre producing  ::)) and i enjoy some other games that i know wont be available on the wii u like the elder scrolls online  :'( i loved skyrim and now i cant play the sequal  :( so in my opinion i could see why someone could still get excited for the ps4/xbox one and i would just see it as an investment to be able to play something besides shooters

(do you ever think that in the future people will look back at shooters like i (and presumably you) look back at sports games for the nes/snes/n64 etc. ?)


You guys who started collecting in Japan are all making me super jealous  :'(

I started collecting last year during the spring because I had planned a trip to Tokyo in the fall and I was getting impatient.  I buy a lot from here, ebay, stores in NYC.  I've found a couple of great deals, but no where near the dollar games people in Japan buy.  Once I finally took my trip I bought a duffel bag full of games to bring back home.  Best trip ever.  I'm DYING to go back to Japan, especially to some town away from Tokyo to see what that's like.


 ;D  It was definitely a good time.

Let me tell you though.. I probably spent about as much in shipping my whole collection back as I did in acquiring all the games in the first place....   whew.
Still a good deal methinks.   ;)

I'm eager to go back myself, this time on vacation, whenever I can find the money for it.


I really want to go to US not because of the country but the games' over there in market flees tend to be very reasonable compared to the prices in UK, I've looked up eBay / Amazon / Gumtree and the sellers are going by what the online sales of the games they have and make their mind through those prices.

Unfortunately I don't have a passport instead a European ID which limits me to Europe so it's a bit shitty, and then to buy a passport it costs around £70 which is $120 or more. I just wanna go there, buy a shit-ton of retro games, have a good time, eat a ton of meat and then return.

P.S.: A gaming store nearby has a Neo Geo X which at first I got excited when I saw but then they told me it costed £140 without any games and poof, heck, that's exactly as much as it costs on eBay except doesn't have any games. Bunch of thieves.


I got my first official Famicom game (Batman) back in 2007 at the Classic Gaming Expo from famous prototype collector DreamTR. I believe every other FC game I own has come from the message boards here from various members and I don't think that will change anytime soon.


You don't see a whole lot of variety out in the wild though, at flea markets and such..

Your best bet just may be online, preferably with users on sites like this.

Heck, senseiman's famicom games are cheaper than you'd even get them in Japan.


Quote from: FamicomRetroGamer on July 16, 2014, 01:41:01 pm
I really want to go to US not because of the country but the games' over there in market flees tend to be very reasonable compared to the prices in UK, I've looked up eBay / Amazon / Gumtree and the sellers are going by what the online sales of the games they have and make their mind through those prices.

Unfortunately I don't have a passport instead a European ID which limits me to Europe so it's a bit shitty, and then to buy a passport it costs around £70 which is $120 or more. I just wanna go there, buy a shit-ton of retro games, have a good time, eat a ton of meat and then return.

P.S.: A gaming store nearby has a Neo Geo X which at first I got excited when I saw but then they told me it costed £140 without any games and poof, heck, that's exactly as much as it costs on eBay except doesn't have any games. Bunch of thieves.

Eat a ton of meat?  Do you mean this literally, or is there some sort of slang going on that American-English speakers just don't comprehend?  If you are being literal, that is quite funny, I know we enjoy eating a lot of meat, but never heard of anyone wanting to visit the USA for that reason.
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Haha all Europeans likes to eat a ton of meat wherever we go. I'm more surprised that a passport is 70£ in UK. That's almost the price of a temporal passport in Sweden that you only buy if you don't have time to apply for a real passport. Insane!


QuoteI just wanna go there, buy a shit-ton of retro games, have a good time, eat a ton of meat and then return.

LOL that was my aim for when I went to Japan except instead of meat it was fish.  Now I want to go back.  I wouldn't mind living there for sometime, working somewhere, and enjoying being within the culture.  Another vacation would be awesome, but no one wants to accompany me as it's so expensive to go.


Quote from: Raverrevolution on July 17, 2014, 06:36:46 am
QuoteI just wanna go there, buy a shit-ton of retro games, have a good time, eat a ton of meat and then return.

LOL that was my aim for when I went to Japan except instead of meat it was fish.  Now I want to go back.  I wouldn't mind living there for sometime, working somewhere, and enjoying being within the culture.  Another vacation would be awesome, but no one wants to accompany me as it's so expensive to go.

I'd like to visit Japan someday too though not for its food but to buy whichever games I'd find interesting for the cheap prices (I'd probably end up spending more than I should, lol) they go in Japan.

I don't have any problems paying £70+ for the passport but when I do I'd have to have things ready to travel and that just isn't prepared.


The food alone is one reason to go to Japan really (Taiwan too)! And it's generally cheap too. I often ate out when I was an exchange student, even if it's just Yoshinoya or some cheap soba place it's almost always very good.


I swear to you that all food in Japan must contain crack or something.  There was absolutely nothing that I didn't like.  It didn't matter if it was junk food, a snack, or something randomly weird everything had some type of sauce, cream, or something that tasted delicious. 

God damn I love that country.  Their lifestyle is on such another level.  I would love to be eating Japanese food, hitting on hot Japanese girls, and collecting old video games daily.  That would be heaven.


You really don't know anything about Japanese society then.  ;)


July 18, 2014, 10:56:22 am #28 Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:06:03 am by Raverrevolution
Oh don't get me wrong here, I know all the negatives as well.  High suicide rate, family and society hate you if you're a failure, racism, their keeping everything to themselves mentality, no heat and a/c in most houses, etc..  Still though, after visiting they were some of the nicest, most peaceful people I've ever met.  Going there once just to visit changes your life.  And for the record, about 90% of girls I passed were hot or close to it.  ;D


Quote from: Raverrevolution on July 18, 2014, 10:56:22 am
Oh don't get me wrong here, I know all the negatives as well.  High suicide rate, family and society hate you if you're a failure, racism, their keeping everything to themselves mentality, no heat and a/c in most houses, etc..  Still though, after visiting they were some of the nicest, most peaceful people I've ever met.  Going there once just to visit changes your life.  And for the record, about 90% of girls I passed were hot or close to it.  ;D

I used to think the same about Taiwanese girls...90% you passed were hot.  But after you live there for a few years, you begin to distinguish between hot and not, and there is quite a difference ;)
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