need to find cheap games for a cheap clone!

Started by 123sean, July 23, 2014, 05:29:04 pm

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I need help finding famicom games without emptying my wallet! any suggestions?


Depends on a few things:

Which country are you in?
How much are you looking to spend per game? $5? $10? $20+?
What kind of games do you like/collect?
Official games or pirated games?

Many of us here can help you out with a good deal on common games, but for the rarer games you'll probably have to look on ebay or an import gaming site.


can I suggest an emulator? your cheapest option. plus you can get retro controller for usb. experience won't be far from the real thing. good famicom games aren't cheap. and its quite addictive so you'll prob go broke :o


Yeah, once the Famicom collecting addiction take a hold of you it won't let you go.  I finally stopped buying games for a bit and I saved so much money lol.

Too bad Manuel hasn't been present on the board again since he moved.  He offered grab bags with 20+ games for $44.  That would have been a great start.

No matter what you're going to empty your pockets unless you want endless baseball, mahjong, or other cheap not too fun games.

My suggestion is to invest in an Everdrive and then keep your eyes peeled on Ebay and these boards for good deals.  The Everdrive will hold you over so you can learn to be patient.


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