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Started by FamicomFreak, May 30, 2007, 11:36:20 am

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Yeah, there are way too many instances where a douchebag takes advantage of a really nice girl, and then eventually, she becomes a douchebag herself...or the guy goes to jail.  Depends on the situation I guess. :-\
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on June 19, 2009, 04:54:45 pm
douchebags can get chicks while honest hard-working guys can't.

I second that.

But again I say, chicks who go with douchebags aren't the brightest ones themselves in the first place. If a girl is decent, she won't fall for those "douchebags".

There's a nice latin saying... meaning about that what I said above.

Qualis rex talis grex. (look it up, guys)


June 19, 2009, 08:14:40 pm #107 Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 08:26:10 pm by Mindfreak
Like king, like people ?  (is that right manuel ?)

you know....I hate it when the jerk gets the girl....and then he takes advantage of her....and then she never trusts
anyone ever again because of that one idiot....:(

Why do girls fall for idiots like that ?


Yes, that's right.

Or in other words, like douchebag, like chick.  :P


I see what you mean. :P


There's a fairly good chance I'll be watching tonight's fireworks(Why the heck it's today, and not July 4 I have no idea) with Jackie. :3 I haven't seen her in forever... Well, like a week. :P
( ยด_ゝ`)


so i wanna talk to this girl i like (who i think kinda likes me too) but i dont really wanna do it over FB and even if i do i cant break the ice and get to know her, i did however have a class with her and talked to her sometimes but did make it to good friend status. help?

PS-yes i am having alot of problems tonite


Sadly, there's no magic formula for easily getting to know girls.  It's all about trial and error.  You just start talking.  Doesn't even matter what it's about.  If you had a class with her, talk to her about that.  Ask her what she's doing now, does she like it, etc.etc.  You can never run out of things to talk to a girl about as long as you keep asking her questions.  Even if it leads nowhere, you'll get in some good practice for the next girl you want to talk to.  After a while, you learn the right ways to approach someone, and it becomes a bit more natural.  You'll feel like a dufus at first, but believe it or not, most girls are flattered by a guy who works up the nerve to talk to them (even if they don't show it).  Just work through any awkwardness until it goes away.  Rinse and repeat.

Also, stay off Facebook for communicating with girls you don't know yet.  It's bad juju.  If they're someone you've gotten to know, then after a while, great.  Otherwise, you're only going to set yourself up for a lot of trouble.  A very large percentage of communication occurs outside of the actual words you speak.  Posture, intonation, volume, closeness, and facial expression all tell what you're saying a lot more clearly than what your words actually convey.  All of that is erased online.  And smiley faces :)  don't count.


ya i wanted to stay away from facebook but over the summer thats the only way i could get to know her, i mean i know her alright enough to start a convo its just im kinda intimidated by her and usually i am the one who will go outta my way to talk to them


What does make you feel intimidated by her?


i dont know the fact that i have this thing called fear of rejection, that and im a bit of a nerd (thanks famicomworld for that  :P) but i dont know ive always been shy when it comes to girls


Fear of rejection sucks, but it's actually not fear of the other person's opinion of you.  It's a lack of confidence in yourself.  What I mean is, even among folks here you're calling yourself a geek as though it's something to be ashamed of or that geek comprises a less than desirable set of interests.  I hate to break it to you, but pretty much everyone is a geek in their own way.  They may not all collect games imported from Japan, but they have their ways.  You have to have confidence in who you are and what you like before others will accept that about you. 

Basically, once you have confidence in yourself, it becomes easy to control other people's views of you.  Buzzwords are a good tool for that.  You don't collect Famicom games, you have "multicultural interests that help you to broaden you outlook".  Me, I like Star Trek.  If people give me a funny look, I turn around and ask them if they saw the big-budget movie that came out last year.  Most of them time, I get a yes.  Then I ask if they liked it.  There's usually a brief pause, followed by another yes.  Then I say, "Guess I'm not the only one", with a bit of a smarmy smile.  Even if they say no, you just turn it back around on them: "That's too bad.  Not only was it one of the highest grossing pictures of the year, but it got really good critical reviews from people who aren't usually into the genre.  You should check it out next time you're at Blockbuster [or Queue it on Netflix]."  I rarely here anything about it from them again.  You can use similar tactics to maintain your own dignity about your hobbies. 


i have confidence and all but also i have a bit of an...um...."immature" humor (which i am working on) but most people find it funny so...


Well, I certainly don't know you in real life so I can only speak to "usually" and "most likely"  :)

And I don't know, I think you're right that most people find immature humor funny.  It's why Will Farrel still has a career   ::).  Now if you want a sense of humor that few people find funny, try wit some time (also known as "dry humor" or "British humor").  Most Americans can't stand it, but it's the only real sense of humor I've got. 


actually im considered more of a pervert for my humor but so is will farrel