Looking for a nes/famicom turbo mod.

Started by thepandaofnom, September 07, 2014, 07:38:55 pm

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I did a little searching and came up with not to much. I have a original nes controller that I want to add turbo switches in and I am not sure how to do this. I may just break down and buy a joycard or something but third party controllers always feel odd and i hate the nes advantage and max. They are just clunkie.


Look for "autofire circuit" or "turbo circuits" on google. From what I've read, they are generally made with a 555 IC. There are ICS that are essentially multiple 555 ICs in a single package (556 for 2 and 558 for 4 IIRC). Also, you should "tune" your design to about 16 pulsations/sec because that's the top speed that a human can achieve, so higher than that can give problems in some games.



Thanks for the info that was relay helpful.


Instead of hacking your controller, try to get a Turbo Blaster. It's an adapter that comes between the console and the controller, and you can use it to set autofire to A or B. It even allows to set the rate of autofire.

I have one myself, works great. A bit hard to come by, but a very cool thing. And you can use it with all controllers using the NES controller ports, I'm using it on an AV Famicom.


I would get one but they are on average about $20-50 depending on market. i am looking for a cheaper solution. Also I like to tinker with things. its a hobble.


Russian "Dendy" consoles turbo had 6Hz frequency (6 times per sec).

555 timer instructions for mouse: