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YouTube Reviewers

Started by Shumi Nagaremono, October 06, 2014, 05:44:09 am

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Shumi Nagaremono

Does anybody else enjoy YouTube review shows?  What're some of your favorites?  Which ones do you avoid like the plague? 

My faves at the moment are: 

The Nostalgia Critic:  The new version of the series (featuring a multi-person cast) is always entertaining and features some of the best production I've seen on a regular YouTube show. 

Atop the Fourth Wall:  Much like the Nostalgia Critic, Linkara can make a review of a bad comic incredibly entertaining.  He's great at finding ways to wring joy out of a terrible bit of fiction.  I also like how, everyone once in awhile, he'll stumble upon a book that he actually enjoyed. 

Pat the NES Punk:  I don't know what it is, but the series is just so much fun.  You can tell how much the dude behind the character loves these games, and the way he talks about them (though the more goofy Pat character) is great fun.  The show also has one of my favorite casts of any of these shows.  From Frank and Ian (who, apparently, never want to be there) and ROB/DK etc play off the Pat character very well. 

The AVGN:  New episodes don't come out frequently (largely on account of the guy making a movie), but they're always a blast.  This was the first YouTube show I watched regularly.  His "making of" video blew my mind.  It just looks like some dude in his basement playing games, but when he pulls back the camera to show how all the professional-grade equipment he uses to put together each episode (some of which take dozens of hours to shoot and edit) it's jaw-dropping.         

What are you into?  And why?  Share! 


Among the ones you mentioned I have only seen Angry Video Game Nerd. He is probably one of the better ones and I like the theme song, but I don't get the humour at all. All he seems to be doing is swearing excessively and doing exaggerated expressions that I'm not sure what he is trying to do with sometimes. His acting isn't bad, but there's lots of room for improvement there.

My favourite was JewWario. He was a natural actor and his warm-hearted attitude when he was reviewing was what made him so good. R.I.P.


i only watch AVGN...
Very professional production and entertaining... I don't care about all the scat-stuff he is obsessed about (is that an american thing? do you have fierce potty training?) but still fun to watch.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


I have always enjoyed Ashens, and irategamer.


I like the AVGN, Happy Console Gamer, and lukemorse1.

Lukemorse1 may not be the most popular, but he is for sure the most dedicated and most informative. This guy has taught me soooo much knowledge about the games itself, console repairs, as well as Japanese culture. Also, his video game shopping videos at Hard-Off are probably his most famous videos, and has inspired others to make similar videos. He has over 2000 or 3000 videos, I forget which one. Definitely check out his channel.


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on October 11, 2014, 05:31:02 am
I have always enjoyed Ashens, and irategamer.

Irategamer huh? The most hated game reviewer ever.. although I don't understand why. I've seen a couple of videos he made, wasn't bad.

Anyway I watch AVGN, JonTron, Zero Punctuation (if that counts, I go to escapist first usually) regularly, and Nostalgia Critic for movie stuff


Quote from: Protoman on October 11, 2014, 11:17:53 am
Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on October 11, 2014, 05:31:02 am
I have always enjoyed Ashens, and irategamer.

Irategamer huh? The most hated game reviewer ever.. although I don't understand why.

Because he's a damn douchebag that shamelessly rips off EVERYTHING of AVGN and pretends he doesn't exist.... need I say more??

Also, very good topic and very popular one, I wonder why it wasn't posted before ;) . I also watch AVGN, Jontron, sometimes Game Sack, it's also interesting and also many more random ones I come across. Youtube reviews is something I watch more often than movies ;)


Irategamer sucks bad....

Game Sack is pretty good. Anyone ever watch Talking Classics with Keith Apicary? He's extremely funny at first, but can get a little dull after a while.


Gonna drop some ProJared in here.  He has some really well-researched and well-balanced reviews.  Good production values, too.   Good stuff all around.


I had watched Nostalgia Critic back in the day and eventually abandoned him... but I recently came back to him in the last year and found his new shows to be utterly fantastic.  He's now my favorite youtube show!
His co-stars are hilarious too.  Wonderful show all around!

Shumi Nagaremono

Quote from: zmaster18 on October 11, 2014, 05:33:52 am
Also, his video game shopping videos at Hard-Off are probably his most famous videos

Good stuff!  Thanks for letting me (and everyone else) know about it!  I wish I knew how people got permission for things like that.  People are always asking for videos from inside places like Hard-Off, Book-Off, Mandarake, Super Potato, etc.  But they're always pretty strict about their "no photography" policy. 

The AVGN just uploaded the long-awaited review of ET.  It's pretty much the same as the one that plays over the credits of the AVGN movie, but it was really cool of him to put it up on YouTube for all his regular viewers and not make them pay for the movie to see it.  That said, I *loved* the movie.  It was a legitimately fun time and had such a good story that, even if hadn't featured the AVGN character, it could still have stood on its own.  Snagged the digital release as soon as it was available and can't wait for the Blu-Ray version.     


James Rolfe used to work really hard and have belieavable acting but on these more recent episodes he's too relaxed and doesn't have that power any more, while on the other hand we've got Pat the NES Punk whom just doesn't limits himself to cheap flashy special effects but also special guests and the Donkey Kong Family, plus R.O.B too.

I LOL'd when Donkey Kong Jr. said that the Monkey word was insulting and thus far it is now the M-word! ;D


I still have absolutely no idea what was going on with that "monkey" word being offensive.... I may sound dumb but really, can anyone explain it to me?? Perhaps it's because I'm not 100% native English speaker....


AVGN posted an actual new review (Beetlejuice) but it's such a disappointment it doesn't live up to the old episodes, it lacks that authentic acting and quality that the 'retro' AVGN had.

I'll definitely say that the Tiger review was far superior and closer to the 'retro' AVGN episodes.

Quote from: MaarioS on October 15, 2014, 12:12:21 pm
I still have absolutely no idea what was going on with that "monkey" word being offensive.... I may sound dumb but really, can anyone explain it to me?? Perhaps it's because I'm not 100% native English speaker....

People from US tend to be overly sensitive and PC (politically correct) so the Donkey Kong Jr. himself is no different from them.


I agree 100% that the Tiger episode was the last good AVGN episode.