Russian Famicom Originals

Started by Alex930, July 30, 2006, 12:02:38 am

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The original Russian console was called the Dendy, not the Dandy.  Then there was Dendy Jr. and various models like the Magistr Military [sic] and so forth.  They're probably hard to find now since they're all up-to-date on their systems over there now.


Yeah, thanks for the correction. I still am sure that they're making more as we speak...the Famicom is massivly popular there.


Not too much now, actually.  It was for awhile until their economy picked up a bit.  People may still play it (it's been four years since I was there), but likely most of them have moved on to PC games (Internet Cafes are very popular) and newer systems, I think the Gamecube does unusually well there as far as I remember.  I can check with some friends to see if they still sell Dendy carts there, if anyone is interested.



I'm damn interested in these -- isn't that where the Boogerman pirate comes from?


November 16, 2006, 09:55:08 am #6 Last Edit: November 16, 2006, 10:14:45 am by CaH4e3
You probably will be surprized, but Dendy here in Russia still demands. :) You can buy pirate carts everywhere all along with one of the countless famiclones ("Dendy" some kind of TM unused already, but the same boxes with the same pictures is available as "Simba" logo ;))...

Here in Moscow you can buy any console you want (with mod chips ofcourse :)) but in other parts of Russia Dendy all along with Sega Mega Drive II clones most popular console. ;)))

Chinese people is producing pirate carts until now, probably some russian companies too... If you mention another post in this forum by middle-east famicom collector about selling famicom pirates, so I can say, all such carts available everywhere in generic, fresh chinese/russian reproduction of old famicom titles and hacks.

If you want to find something interesting, old games or originals, you can ask for kids or most peoples - they still have some old carts from 90-95 years... ;))

If you interested, I would can do some pictures of various places on flea market or wholesale stores. ;) Most fresh carts 1$ cost. ;)


November 16, 2006, 10:28:49 am #7 Last Edit: November 16, 2006, 10:36:04 am by JC
 :o Wow, that's really cool. I haven't heard too much about the Russian Famicom market. I'm glad to hear it's booming! We'd be happy to see some pictures of what it's like to shop for Famicom games in Russia. Post what you can! The Russian market is hard to tap into. South East Asia, Eastern Europe and Brazil are difficult to buy games from as well. I've been very interesting in finding Russian originals. I'm surprised that they sell for so cheap: $1. But then, in America there isn't much of a pirate market; I guess we've just got stricter overseers of the economy, copyrights and production.

EDIT: Just noticed you're new, CaH4e3. Welcome! I hope you stay around and keep posting. Nice website!


Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your time here. :)

That is so cool, that the Dendy is still popular! I agree with JC, some pictures would be cool. :)


"My No. 1 band, Rush, never even split up. Greatness always stays together." - Matt Striker


WOW!  That is really cool.  Pirate famicom carts everywhere.  I need to make a trip to Russia  ;)


Quote from: CaH4e3 on January 04, 2007, 12:19:35 pm
Finally ;)))

I love those shots... wouldn't it be great to just take a trip into town & come home with a load of multicarts?! I think so... :)



Quote from: shthree on January 26, 2007, 07:30:28 am
Quote from: CaH4e3 on January 04, 2007, 12:19:35 pm
Finally ;)))

I love those shots... wouldn't it be great to just take a trip into town & come home with a load of multicarts?! I think so... :)


That's why it'd be great to one day travel to another country...