Best Part Of 30 PAL PS1 Games (UK) SPLIT

Started by DahrenDreamcast, November 07, 2014, 05:35:40 am

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November 07, 2014, 05:35:40 am Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 06:26:32 am by DahrenDreamcast
Best Part of 30 PAL PS1 Games

PAL PS1 Games.
I think all these games have light marks/scratches, but all play without issues.
A few with case issues, but mostly good.
List..All complete unless stated

F1 98
Cyber Tiger
Nightmare Creatures (insert water damaged and pen on disk and manual)
Total NBA 97
Kotobuki Grand Prix
Circuit Breakers
Actua Soccer 3
Syphon Filter 3
Ko Kings 99
Actua Golf 3
Time Crisis
PGA 98
Puchi Carat (ON HOLD)
Kiss Pinball
Metal Gear Solid (No Manual)
Time Crisis Project Titan
Jonah Lomu Rugby
Vampire Hunter
Wipeout 2097
International Karate
Cool Boarders 2
Soviet Strike

Disc Only

MK Trilogy
TH Underground

SPLIT - Tell me what you want and i'll give you a price.

Post Merge: November 09, 2014, 06:26:32 am

Nintendo Child <3