Can An NES Game Genie Be Converted For Famicom Games?

Started by okame, November 09, 2014, 09:55:40 am

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I got an NES Game Genie a few months ago, but all I seem to be doing is using my Famicom to NES Pin converter with my Famiclone multicarts. Is it possible to convert it to work on Famicom games DIRECTLY? If so, how, and is it very hard to do? If all I need is a Famicom cart reader, I have a few backup pin converters that I'm not using, so that wouldn't be a problem.


You can do:

FC -> pin converter -> Game Genie -> pin converter -> FC cart


NES -> Game Genie -> pin converter -> FC cart

You may not be able to get codes working with your multicarts, though (since multicarts are a bit weird).


Not sure if it can be converted or not.  There was a Famicom Game Genie released though, maybe it is the same as the US version only in 60 pin format?
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There was, and it works the same from what I've heard. It was made by Realtec (not Realtek) and is probably much rarer.


I can confirm UglyJoe's configurations of Game Genies and pin converters work, not that he needs my confirmation.  However, yes, you will often need different codes than the standard NES Game Genie codes.  You can get some converted codes at, or check this thread on Famicom World:


First of all, I mentioned that I've been using pin converters for now. It works well enough, but it's a little weird. As for getting different codes, that doesn't seem to be a problem. Weirdly enough, all of my multicart games seem to work with the NES codes. I haven't tried any of my ACTUAL Famicom carts yet, though. I only ask because next month, when I have more money on my hands, I'm getting a 3rd party power adapter for my Twin Famicom. I need a way to play my multicarts on it, without a tower of adapters that might topple over if I look at it wrong. That, plus I don't have an NES to Famicom pin adapter yet.