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Unusual Game Settings

Started by M-Tee, November 11, 2014, 08:23:55 pm

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By settings, I mean time and place, not options.

So, eurofantasy and space games are a dime-a-dozen. To a lesser extent, obvious historical settings can be found: the assorted historical eras of Koei games, westerns, etc.

But I'm curious about games with really unique or very specific and uncommon settings, or at least unusual settings for their genre.

All systems, all eras: what have you got?

Screens encouraged.


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True, the Sengoku series definitely has a Big Trouble in Little China feel to it. They're actually some of my favorite beat em ups. I had no idea the first one had SFC port. Although I feel that the 3rd one lost a bit of the charm from the first two, it may have the best spritework I've seen in a Beat em up.


MOTHER has an unusual setting.

Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


Quote from: fredJ on November 13, 2014, 10:19:22 am
MOTHER has an unusual setting.

Not really, it's supposed to be like a realistic modern suburban world. A game with a zany setting is Space Harrier or Fantasy Zone.


If Mother counts why not Antarctic Adventure? I haven't seen many games set in the south pole.


The thing is, "zany" is not necessarily unusual for a video game. As for Fantasy Zone, cute fantasy settings are pretty common for that era, and even the genre itself has other entries with similar settings, such as the Twinbee series. As for Space Harrier, despite its space setting, it is pretty unique in its colorful depiction of alien worlds.

I'd say Mother and Antarctic Adventure fit the bill pretty well. Although the contemporary suburban setting may be common in licensed platformers such as Garfield,  but it being used for a JRPG is definitely unique. And even in other games, such as Paperboy and Zombies Ate My Neighbors, is still pretty uncommon.

Antarctic Adventure is a prime example of a common genre in an unusual setting.

How about uncommon or very specific historical settings?


The problem is where to draw the line. Zany cute em ups are not as common as serious sci-fi shoot em ups but there certainly are a few. Among RPGs from the time the majority consist of high fantasy and jidaigeki types, so I agree that Mother counts with that background in mind.

The Chou Aniki series has a pretty unique setting btw.


Every Katamari game. The setting, Earth, is overcrowded with stuff and underpopulated by actual people. There's a bunch of stuff everywhere. Everything is a mess. The whole planet. The concept of eventually rolling your Katamari up to the point that you can pick up landmasses with ease, literally making Earth completely uninhabitable by anything besides fish, is a pretty bizarre one. That incredibly strange reality could be considered a setting.

Maybe I missed the mark a little, but I feel it deserves an honorable mention at the very least.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Shovel Knight has some really cool levels, but one called The Explodatorium stands out. Its theme is "mad scientist". It's great fun!

Jedi Master Baiter

Dash Galaxy

Silent Assault gets weird(er) as you go on:


I mean, what the hell is this? Halloween?


I think basically any game based off of a movie that's set somewhere games usually aren't set qualifies.

For example, Aladdin (well, there's so many Aladdin games that Agrahbah in itself is pretty much a common setting)
- Aladdin (Mega Drive)
- Super Aladdin (FC)
- Aladdin 2 (FC) (Chengdu Tai Jing Da Dong Computer Co...WTF)
- Hummer Aladdin (FC)

What about Donkey Kong? Seriously, what other video game has you climbing up a bunch of construction beams stomped on by a gorilla?