super famicom/playstation console

Started by vealchop, June 07, 2007, 05:42:58 pm

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This is probably one of the only existing prototypes left over from when nintendo and sony were in talks to make a joint CD console. You might remember nintendo re-neg'd the deal and sony went on to become the powerhouse of the gaming industry. Probably one of nintendo's few faux paus. Check it out here:


I'm calling shenanigans on that.  The first thing they did was develop a separate add-on CD-ROM for the SNES/SFC that was the "original" playstation.  Not a SFC w/a built-in cd-rom.  Additionally, the likelihood of perfboard being used inside a unit that already has a case fabricated is highly unlikely.


I'm also not sure whether this is legit...
The other known designs are quite different from that one...

It would still be cool to own such a thing. :D


I dunno, I'm sure for things like CES, TGS, etc. it may have been just a floor model that didnt actually work, just a shell and had something jimmy'd up inside to run video or a demo maybe. The site owner says it legit, I guess we'll find out more info soon.


I've seen early Playstation conceptional drawings, and none looked anything like this. I'm with madman here. That's most likely a fake.




Also--where's the CD supposed to go?  There was never any talk of Sony making a branded SFC.  What they made was a CD-ROM add-on.  The only thing I've seen legit pictures of have been the controllers for the system.


yeah its suppose to be an add on. i have a pic of the add on in one of my old mags
Retro Gaming Life


I don't think it was meant to work as an actual console, just a prototype to put on the floor of a show, therefore the buttons and everything don't actually work, from the back it looks as if some kind of demo unit was probably installed and made to run on a loop or something, i.e. the system was just for show.


Yes, but why would they have a demo with a mock up of an SFC in a new case?  That has absolutely nothing to do w/the Sony SFC CD-ROM.  There's also 3 A/V outs on the thing, that makes no sense.




What part don't you understand?  The thing pictured isn't a CD-ROM of any kind.  It has a cart hole for Super Famicom games, that's all.  How can this be the SNES CD-ROM if there's no CD drive?  The original play station concept was to be a CD-ROM add on for the SNES/SFC.


Quote from: madman on June 08, 2007, 10:41:07 am
Also--where's the CD supposed to go?  There was never any talk of Sony making a branded SFC.  What they made was a CD-ROM add-on.  The only thing I've seen legit pictures of have been the controllers for the system.

I guess that's not true.
As far as I know Sony wanted to make a Sony branded machine that could play SFC and disc software and get all revenues from the sales. That's one of the reasons why Nintendo broke the deal.


Again, now for the third time, when companies make prototypes, especially in the field of product design, they don't work like products you buy at target. They are usually hand painted, handmade pieces of plastic that are essentially just a shell. In these cases, manufacturers will make the casing, which is empty inside, and put something in there that isn't even remotely what is supposed to be there, since it's inside and the viewer will never see it. I'm guessing, again, that whatever went in there was something that just looped footage, gameplay, pics etc. to give the illusion of a working console. There is no obvious CD drive cause that box wasn't meant to put a CD in. I'm sure the designers were going for some sort of seamless or top loading functionality, hence it wasn't necessary to make clear where a tray would pop out, since the design was aiming for the case to be seamless.


Agreed, as even most pics in magazines are proto units carved from wood.  Time will tell if this is a fake or not, but I'm still calling fake based on all the evidence.