super famicom/playstation console

Started by vealchop, June 07, 2007, 05:42:58 pm

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Also, it should be known that the owner of the website was actually voted the number 1 sony playstation fan by Sony itself (seriously, check the dudes website, it was printed in a magazine). So the dude would have a LOT to lose if he posted something bogus on his website.


yeah, but it seems suspicious that this appears over 10 years after the fact


Maybe it was hidden in the SONY HQ's attic? :D


There's a new update saying it's just meant to be Sony's branded SNES/SFC.  That sounds a little more realistic, but I'm still calling shenanigans.  If someone really had this and not some third party super secret source, there would be way more pictures and information.  Time will tell I suppose.


Another hint at a fake is its ugliness.
Sony's products are usually visually appealing...


Just because it's taken years for it to come out doesn't mean that it's fake. There's an episode of a television show that was discovered after being rumored to exist for almost 20+ years...people hide things, for one reason or another.

I personally feel that it's real. It's ugly and klunky looking. Vealchop has pretty much explained it better than I could.


I think this can pretty much be written off after reading the latest update on game-rave:

'm pretty darn 100% sure there will be no further investigation on this site into previously mentioned said "Play Station" as it seems, to quote Carmen Sandiego, "You're getting too close, Shamus."

The images will eventually be moved to the Proto section once I have that page re-laid out, and they will remain there for posterity's sake, and not much else. I leave the detective work to the fine folks who, like before, carried on the torch much better than I could. Putting one's site on the line for (unnecessary) peer respect is one thing; almost losing it all because said peers break into OMGWTFBBQFAXORS mode is another. Thus, a real find becomes a small foot note on the web, until one day it can (hopefully) be properly be revealed in its entirety, if even remotely.

Sony's got some damn fine ninjas...seriously.


That has to be a Super Famicom CD proto. Sony made chips and crap for Nintendo back in the day.

Profeta Yoshitake

It looks like somebody wished to become famous
and created some kind of homebrew frankenfake
version of his or hers dreamt Play Station.  :D
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


I still think its real, there are photographs of it at several conventions and I still feel the site owner's reputation is viable and he wouldn't risk ruin at the cost of running a sham.


Quote from: Nintega on July 16, 2007, 12:51:05 pm
That has to be a Super Famicom CD proto. Sony made chips and crap for Nintendo back in the day.

And where exactly would one put a CD in there?