Most Wanted Famicom Games?

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:02:48 am

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Would have to be Recca Summer Carnival '92, Return of the Mario Bros., and Donald Land right now.


All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.



Quote from: JC on August 29, 2006, 12:48:13 pm
What's the Mario one all about?

All Night Nippon is a radio station in Japan. They raffled off copies of SMB with a dark background, anbd sprites changed to radio personalities.

I own the game. :D


Cool! I wonder how many of those we made/given out?

The emulated version that you can get on most ROM sites seems to be the wrong one or just a hack that replaces the background. I know the actual version replaces the toadstool at the end of each bowser level with a charicature of one of the radio DJs, the dumped ROM doesn't have this.

Does anyone know of an actual dump of this game or am I just doing something wrong in-game?


No, it's an obviosly bad hack. The real version has the sprites for the people you save as kind of creepy...


I meant what's Return of the Mario Bros.

But no problem. I didn't know lick about the other one either. It sounds kind of neat. I don't know that'd it be much more than a collector's item. And as you all know, I buy to game, not to collect. Anything different about the gameplay in All Night Nippon?


Nothing really different on the gameplay.

Return of the Mario Bros. is a FDS Mario Bros. game with a storyline and updated graphics.


September 02, 2006, 09:50:19 pm #9 Last Edit: September 07, 2006, 08:26:15 pm by JC
Quote from: vealchop on August 29, 2006, 02:55:45 pm
Cool! I wonder how many of those we made/given out?

The emulated version that you can get on most ROM sites seems to be the wrong one or just a hack that replaces the background. I know the actual version replaces the toadstool at the end of each bowser level with a charicature of one of the radio DJs, the dumped ROM doesn't have this.

Does anyone know of an actual dump of this game or am I just doing something wrong in-game?

How many were made? What'd you pay for it, JL?

I don't know what it's like on the emulatiors, but I found these screenshots:



The only way I've found to really tell if its the actual version is by beating 1-4. If the usual toadstool character is waiting to be rescued after you beat bowser then its not the real version.


Quote from: vealchop on September 02, 2006, 10:11:49 pm
The only way I've found to really tell if its the actual version is by beating 1-4. If the usual toadstool character is waiting to be rescued after you beat bowser then its not the real version.


I payed $30 for it. No artwork, but very much worth it for the unusual-ness of the game.


September 03, 2006, 12:21:18 pm #12 Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 12:31:39 pm by JC
There's one on eBay for over $70. It doesn't come but with the disk and clear plastic sleeve. Are you sure it came with more, the "artwork"?




Oh that's neat. :) Wonder when one will pop up on eBay.